safe senders not working 100%



I have Vista Ultimate and Office 2007.

I have a particular sender (company) that I get a number of emails from- and
I want to receive them. I have them on my safe senders and safe recipients
lists. Their emails are kind of like a form with a photo and links and
shading, etc. Well the pictures show up fine but all formatting is still
missing- and the text is all clunky times roman in a large font.
Now, however, if I go to the junk email ribbon and tell it to either add to
safe senders or add domain to safe senders then the email magically snaps
into the proper view and layout. Hey, they are ALREADY on those lists so why
do I have to do this for every msg from the same exact place?

Didn't have this problem with these msgs on Office 2003.


If I do what I describe below to get the correct rendering and then close
the email, and then reopen it, it goes back to the rather plain clunky
format! I have to go through the routine ever time I look at the email! MS-
what have you done???

Wellll- don't know if this has anything to do with it but looks like Outlook
2007 doesn't handle html or CSS (whatever that is) like Outlook 2003 did. It
now has lesser capabilities. There are some articles on this out there and a
tiny bit in the Knowledge Base but I don't know any customers that are happy
with it. Gee, I wanted more capabilities in 2007 than I had in 2003 but I
get less.

Regardless, that still doesn't explain that when I manually add the same
address to safe senders each time for each msg from the same place it WILL
reneder properly!

And of course, if I "View in Browser" it renders fine because, I think, it
is not using the same rendering system as Outlook 2007.


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