RRAS Network Routing



I've got 2 NICs in my test server, \\pcsrvrtest
I've gone thru the RRAS Wizard to enable the Win2003 server as a LAN
router. Everything works as expected: A PC on one subnet can ping another
PC on another subnet, using the test server as the gateway/router.

Heres the confusing bit.

Using the RRAS MMC, I go into the Properties of the RRAS server,
\\pcsrvrtest. The General Tab has got a tick next to the 'Router' option.

In the IP Tab, there is also a tick next to the 'Enable IP ROuting'

So far so good.

The thing is, I can untick one of the checkboxes above and the routing
would STILL work. Why?

Which one has priority? Why are there 2 to confuse?

Dusty Harper {MS}

By unchecking either, then routing should not work (I'd have to verify this
behavior). As for why there are two check boxes, you need to look back at
the history of RRAS. In the past RRAs supported IPX as well as IP Routing.
The check box allowed one to allow routing for one protocol stack and not
the other. IPX support was removed.

The General tab is meant to describe the role of the RRAS machine, and the
IP tab is meant to enable / disable IP Routing only.

Another factor that may be involved is the reg key EnableIPRouter. If this
TCPIP value is set to 1, then routing of IP traffic is allowed.

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