Round current time



I have a timesheet with checkboxes. When the checkbox is checked it
automatically enters the current time into a cell. I need the time to be
rounded to the nearest five minutes...I have the time format set to show as
1:30 AM but seems to read 3/28/2006 9:45:55 is the formula I have
in the cell to include the current time: =IF(F18=TRUE,NOW(),"")....F18 refers
to the checkbox when checked. How can i get the time to round up to the next
5 minute interval? or can I? Any help would be greatly appreaciated. I thank
you in advance for your assistance!

Peo Sjoblom

To just get the time you can use


to roundup to nearest 5 minute


having said that you realize this is not a static time when the checkbox was
checked, it will always update
when the sheet is calculated? You can use circular reference or a macro to
get a static timestamp. example here


You my friend are a Rock Star!!! Worked like a charm! yes I was already aware
of the constant updating and have worked around that already...Just could not
figure out this part...thank you so very much! You Rock!
Randy Street
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Peo Sjoblom said:
To just get the time you can use


to roundup to nearest 5 minute


having said that you realize this is not a static time when the checkbox was
checked, it will always update
when the sheet is calculated? You can use circular reference or a macro to
get a static timestamp. example here

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