

Oct 26, 2006
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Hi Guys

Havn't been on for at least a few days and been unable to update my Affordable Mobiles thread. I lost my cat on the 5th June and I had to have him put to sleep after a week of seeing him deteriorate. He was already been suffering from Hyperthyroidism, which he was taking Felimazole for twice a day.

The vet had checked his heartbeat and told me it was damaged, because one of the walls sounded thicker and his rater per minute was high. They kept him in to take bloods and try him on other medications too. They called me to say what they're concerns were and offered to send him to a specialist Emergency Vets in Ystrad Mynach overnight, whereby the vets and nurses stay up all night to monitor animals. I of course said yes as I didn't want anything to happen to him. It was about £100 for just that one night, excluding the standard vets fees already, although money means little to me at that time and whatever they said they'd recommend, I'd say yes no matter the cost.

They returned him to my local vets in Caerphilly that morning and he was picked up and taken back home as I had to stay in work untill 11pm that night. He had now had an additional 2 medications, one for his heart and one to expel surplus fluid in his body. We got home and I was keen to get in the house to see how he was. During those few days he had also become weak and had difficulty walking, jumping up and was hardly eating. I had to raise his water to his face to encourage him to drink. He wouldn't eat any cat food (Whiskas/Felix/Sheba/Hils Science Plan etc), but he would lick some juice of the gravy variety in the Felix brand if I had it on my finger and put it to his mouth.

I stayed on the sofa with him that night and at around 4.30am, he had a siezure of some kind and fell over on his side panting in distress. I jumped off the other sofa and went straight to him to help calm him down. I was worried he was going to die right then and there, so I called the emergency 24 hour vets again in Ystrad Mynach. We took him back there at about 5.00am and she was going to give him a pain killer and put him in an oxygen chamber which again was costly. His few hours there cost £179, but again I didn't care, I just wanted what was best for him. I was thinking at the time why no one hadn't recommended he was put to sleep right then and there. Either they didn't have the things there to do it, or I'm guessing they still felt it was worth trying to continue saving him. I certainly didn't want them to give up as I wasn't going to, but I didn't want him to suffer in any way if it looked too bad already.

He was returned to the vets in Caerphilly at just after 8am and I had a call from them not long after 9am. They said he was not good being transported in the Emergency Vets van and he was currently on oxygen. I knew right then I had to say it myself and say I think it best we put him to sleep. My heart sank to its lowest and I was in tears again. Me and Sarah made our way to the vest immediately and when we saw him, I just broke down again. He was on his side unable to move, apart from cry out at me as soon as he heard my voice. He couldn't even hold up his own head. I could see they had 2 needles ready for the procedure and he had one of those things in his paw already, which ensures the other needles contents go straight into the vein to prevent any errors.

We were left for a few minutes and I couldn't let him go on anymore like this, so I had to call the vet back in to follow it through. It couldn't have been more than 5 - 10 seconds and he was gone. It hurt me to see the cet touch his eye to ensure he didn't flick or anything and then she checked for any heartbeat. She announced he was gone and I felt I had just lost a huge part of my life. It hurts me to type this as it still feels raw.

We had made arrangements to have him cremated on his own and the ashes returned at the Summerleaze Pet Crematorium Ltd.

We're due to have his ashes back Monday and I still can't believe how fast he went downhill. I had treated him like a king and he had rule of the house as you can imagine. He used to jump on my bed in the mornings and lightly pat my face with his paw, as to say "Come on, I want feeding" lol. He was a lovely cat and would never harm anyone or any other animal. He was more of a house cat, but he loved having a visit outside in the garden some days and we used to walk around together whilst he'd be checking where I was.

I loved him and still do with all my heart. He was more like family than a pet and thats how strong the bond was between us. I still imagine him on the sofa, or expect to see him wiating for me when I get out of the shower. I get home from work and still think I see a glimpse of him at the corner of my eye, but then reality kicks in.

I miss him so much.

I love you Rocky. You'll be missed more than you'll ever know. :cry:
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R.I.P. Died 5th June 2013. Age 13

Rocky 3.webp
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Aaahhh poor li'l bugger..:(

Its so very hard when you lose an animal, as they have normally been with you for so long they become family!

Hope Rocky is at peace now!
Thanks for your comments Crazylegs. I don't wish for this post to upset anyone, but I felt it might help in some sort of cathartic way.

No more pets for me as I just can't do it anymore. I'll probably donate some money to the Cats Protection League or something every so often to help disadvantaged cats.

Anyone else lost a loved pet and would like to say a few words?
My commiserations CSB I know how you are feeling as I have had the same thing with some of my dogs in the past. Keep your pecker up.
Thanks bootneck02 for your kind words.

We have all experienced this level of emotional pain in one way or another and its good to have your family around at a time like this. I will certainly start looking forward and remember the good times I had with him, although I'm sure I'll still have those moments we all have when you are on your own thinking to yourself. I couldn't sleep well last night as the tears run.

With that said, I have many photos of him and quite a few videos which were mainly taken over the last 5 years. I've started collating them all together and will back them up on disc/memory stick.

I'm due to pick up his ashes tomorrow, but they would have to call by 12 mid day if I'm to make it in time before work.

Thanks again for your replies Crazylegs and bootneck02, they are appreciated.
I'm so sorry CSB, and know just how you must be feeling after losing Rocky, because we too, have taken turns to sit-up through the night with sick cats; and have had to take that devastating (but ultimately kind) decision, to end their suffering.

Stray cats of all ages and states of health, seem to "find" us. I think word goes around the feline community that we're a couple of push-overs, who will readily adopt the starving and homeless. :) Each one was much-loved and no matter how many entered our lives over the years, every furry-individual is remembered with huge affection.

Originally, I thought it would be a betrayal to have another pet, after losing one, but we found it impossible to ignore the needs of an unwanted, bedraggled, hungry waif when they turned-up on our doorstep.... as, inevitably, they did...

We currently live with four, the oldest of whom, also happens to have had a thyroid problem for several years. He is under the care of a cats-only clinic in Cardiff, where the vet has a wonderful empathy with felines.

Our lad has daily medication (yes, Felimazole) which he's pretty good about taking, particularly if the tabs are concealed in a tiny piece of cheese (strong Cheddar is his favourite!) but if he's not in the mood for cheese, I just quickly pop the tab into his mouth. (The cheese method always feels more dignified though.)

It's impossible to know his exact age, because Graham "found" us when he was already an adult cat, about 12 years ago. He's small, but feisty. Our other three cats are all much younger and very much bigger, but, if they're getting up to mischief, Graham will chase after them to smack a bottom, or nose, with his paw. They exchange guilty looks but rarely argue with him lol.

That is a lovely photo of Rocky, CSB, he was a very handsome boy who clearly enjoyed a great life and companionship with you. RIP lovely Rocky, and sending you a hug and our sincere condolences CSB. :cry:
Thank you Taffycat. I was nearly in tears again ready your post. I'm in work right now but stuff it, I'm logging in to reply (I work on an emails team for a large retail company).

We picked up his ashes today before work from the vets as Summerleaze returns them there for the pet owner to pick up. An envelope was on top of the box which contained a certificate for the cremation and also had a nice small floral arrangement next to it. We opened the box to see Rocky's Mahogany square box nicely packed inside with tissue to support him in all directions. I opened the wooden box as one side is hinged and there his ashes were, is a clear bag, neatly placed in the middle of the box. I just didn't know how to feel, I kind of went numb and I carefully closed the box and placed him back in the outer cardboard box.

Below is screenshots of the urns and caskets you can choose from. Rocky is in one of the square boxes which is on the far right of the Carved Caskets section. Its looks tiny compared to the other boxes but is much larger in real life. About a CD case size maybe.

We went back to ours and I placed him carefully on our display unit. I said a few words and left as we would have been later for work (we work at the same place). I felt that knot in my throat and felt upset again as we were on our way.

There are a few cats in our street who's owners don't really care about them, as others in the street feed them and let them in for an hour or so, before they want to go back out. Roly is one of them and his mother lives in the street too. He just helps himself and walks right into your house if your not careful. Rocky had said hello to him a couple of time before he died as Roly is a gentle cat. Rocky could tell he was no harm, as Rocky used to be scared to approach any other cat.

Just the other night, Roly was by our next door neighbours 4X4 and he approached us and so we let him in for what was only meant to be for 5 minutes as I tol him straight lol. That turned into more like an hour as he fell asleep on my lap. Made me feel upset as I felt I was betraying Rocky.

Before putting him back outside, I said maybe he'd like something to eat as we had plenty of cat food still left. I went into the kitchen to open a satchet and Sarah said he shot off the sofa so fast, she'd never seen anything like it before lol. He scoffed it down and enjoyed every last bit. He's not skinny, he's a good size as others in the street look after him.

Shortly after this, I placed him outside, went to bed and about an hour later I was still awake. I looked outside the window and there he was, trying to curl up and sleep between 2 bushes in my other neighbours garden. We never saw him last night and I looked out for him a couple of times but I need to stop myself. I don't want to get close to any other animal as I can't take the pain anymore. Sarah misses Rocky just as much as me and she said it was nice to have a cat in the house again. I just kept thinking I am betraying Rocky, but then its not Roly's fault he is left to fend for himself.

I'm pleased to hear all the help you have given to cats Taffycat. I am sure they love you so much for your kindness. Graham sounds like a funny character and obviously doesn't take any messing lol. I suppose he's like the father figure if all the others are much younger.

Thanks to all again for your time in replying. It means a lot to me.

Rob :)
Taffy's the resident cat expert in this here forum Rob..:nod:

Hey don't feel your betraying Rocky by perhaps showing another puss-cat some much needed love, theres enough to go round all of them, its not in short demand and also it doesn't get diluted either, if anything it gets stronger..:bow:
Roly will relish the thought of a warm bed on the rad and a nice sachet of grub in his belly, and I bet Rocky would want him to have that luxury too now he's gone to another special place and time..:)

Yes its gonna be a little raw at the moment but Roly will help you in always remembering!

Just remember he chose you..:nod:
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I hope this will help with your grief. I had three dogs and the first one I had to make a decision to have him put to sleep was Jessy he was a black and whit lab cross collie we found out at his annual injection and inspection that he had cancer of the throat any way about 3 months later he came back from his walk with the two other dogs( Brandy and Laddy) and when he went to drink his legs shook uncontrollably and was in great distress he was unable to drink or eat, so we called the vet to come out to us and I had already made the decision that it would be unfair to him but to do anything else but to have him put to sleep. The vet came out and we made him comfortable on the sofa and he was in his comfort zone with the pack (wife & me) and the vet administered the injection , he felt no pain it was quick and little Jessy was in a better place. The two other dogs were shown the body of Jessy and they smelt him and new he had gone. Like you we had a local pet crematorium cremate him. I must admit I shed a few tears but time is a great healer and you remember the good times in my case when I am out on walks with the dogs now I often think, oh Jessy would have loved this not with any sadness because I feel that some how he is still with me and he is happy and yes I am a Christian and believe in life after death and also believe that applies to animals as well.
You know Rob, it's not impossible that Rocky was demonstrating his "approval" of Roly to you, before he passed. Perhaps it sounds fanciful, but we've encountered too many "co-incidences" over the past 35+ years of living with cats.

Years ago, a cat turned-up who was extremely timid. He was un-neutered, his long-haired, ginger coat was grubby and coarse, as if he had been living rough for some time. He would creep out furtively from his hiding place, to eat scraps put out for the birds.

He seemed to be holed-up at the rear of the garden shed, beneath some thick shrubs, so we would leave bowls of cat food fairly close to his hidey-hole. He was terribly nervous, but it was okay if we watched from an "acceptable" distance - too close and he would bolt.

Gradually, he became more used to us and he would eat whilst I crouched - still at a distance - and would talk quietly to him. As the days passed, I attempted to get a little closer to him. So, after placing the food bowl, I'd retreat as usual, but not quite so far each time. Eventually, I was within arm's reach of him, and, as he ate, I managed to gently touch his forehead with a finger. He froze for a second and looked a bit worried, so I withdrew my hand and just talked to him as he continued to snaffle up the food, before disappearing into the bushes again.

Then one day, midway through eating, he suddenly toddled off, to return moments later, with a tabby cat in tow. He then led her to the food bowl where she hungrily polished-off the remains of his meal. This continued to happen. They appeared to be companions and he was determined to share with her. It was quite touching actually. (Of course, we compensated for the extra feline diner, by providing extra food, so the ginger tom had his proper share.)

Meanwhile, the daily forehead touching continued, until one day, the ginger lad actually approached me as I was going out with their food. He even gave my leg a friendly butt! I think his companion had convinced him that we were a pair of softy humans who meant no harm, (she was a little bolder than him and had already permitted her back to be stroked.)

After the butt he allowed me to stroke him. Jeepers, his coat felt like the texture of a scouring-pad, and the long hair concealed a very bony little body. But he continued to mince around, butting and nuzzling, before demonstrating his final acceptance of me.... by wee-ing on my leg! Lol It was the one and only time he did that, so I guess it was his way of making his mark and deciding that yup, he was happy to accept us as HIS humans. :D

A trip to the vet (for both of them) worming/flea treatment, TLC and grooming, worked wonders. The ginger tom became "Clarence" because he had a slightly cross-eyed appearance (anyone remember Clarence the cross-eyed lion in Daktari...?) Later, it transpired that he had an eye problem, which led to him having to have one eye surgically removed. He recovered well though, and went on to live many more years. The tabby became "Prudence" for no particular reason, other than the name seemed to suit her.

So yes, like you Rob, we've grieved and felt utterly despondant and raw after losing them, and I've struggled with feelings about disloyalty.... But in the end, no cat who has entered our lives - 19, including our current furry family - has ever been forgotten or loved less, for having taken-on others.

You have chosen a lovely casket for your lovely Rocky. He knows how much you love and cared for him. But, perhaps, like Clarence, he wanted to share his good fortune with Roly.

All the best to you and yours. Our thoughts are with you both. :)
That was a lovely story TC I really enjoyed reading that and knowing it was true makes it all the better..

I don't have a cat but always look after my friends puss-cat when he goes away on holiday abroad and thats when the fun really :lol:

Heres a pic of ..Kitty-man, he actually thinks he's a human, he's an indoor cat and doesn't like to go out much..What a character he is I have never known another cat like him..:D

So Rob the choice is yours, will you let little Roly in and let him enrich your lives just as Rocky did..:nod:
Thanks Bootneck02, Crazylegs and Taffycat. I truly didn't expect a response like this as I thought maybe I was just some person causing a negative impact on others more pleasent days. I had only intended on posting the first post, along with Rocky's photo. I couldn't have asked for more and your kindness is more than I could have ever expected from a computer forum.

In fact this is the only forum I'm registered with and I don't visit any others. Its funny, because I've gone ages without posting anything on here and look at me now. However, I know I've built a few PCs over the years, but I'm no expert like some so I kind of feel like I can't really help out much and so I just read the posts.

I'm sorry to hear about Jessy Bootneck02 and it is also clear how much you love your dogs. I'd like to think you and Taffycat are right @ Roly and Rocky's approval. It was funny though as Rocky would not really trust any other cat at all, as his younger years had a few incidents where my other cat Gizmo had been a little nasty towards him. We had to split them up in the house so they were not together. I moved to wales in 2007 and I bought both Rocky and Gizmo here, but Gizmo was again stalking him up the stairs, so a week later, I had to give him back to my brothers to look after in Cirencester. That was hard as it made me feel like bringing him back, but I knew I couldn't do that to Rocky. It was impossible to keep them in different areas of the house as I was then living with my now Fiancee's mother and I didn't want to cause her any problems. She had already agreed to have 2 cats in her house, when she'd never had cats before.

Saying that, my future mother in law had got very close to Rocky and she too was extremely upset to hear we were putting Rocky to sleep. She used to cook him a chicken breast and cut it up into small pieces, give him some and then save the rest in a container for other feeds over the next few days, alongside his other pouches and Science Plan. She had made up a new name for when it was feeding time "Num Nums" and Rocky would soon know when it was feeding time if you said those words. His pupils would blow up slightly and his ears would go pointy lol

I'm begining to go off track from what I was going to say so let me flick that train track switch. That was a touching story too about Clarence and Prudence Taffycat. You turned their lives completely around when you didn't have too, so I hope you all have good things to come in future. I know you don't do it to gain anything, but I'd like to think good people receive good things in their lives.

I just googled the Clarence the tiger and I think I vaguely remember the programme, although I don't think I watched it. I'm mid 30's, so it must have been on when I was younger?

After saing all this, I will offer Roly to come into the house and give him some fuss/food etc, but I still don't feel like I can get too close. I wouldn't stop him from sleeping on my lap and it was good to stroke him as he was falling asleep as you could tell how much he liked being inside in the warmth. I'm in work again today and I really should be working but hey lol. I tried clicking on that link Crazylegs, but my work PC won't load the webpage, but I'll have a look on my phone on break later.

Thank you ever so much to everyone again. We don't know each other in person, yet you've still shown me the same level of comfort as someone would in my family. Words can not say how much I appreciate that.

I googled images and found this picture of Clarence Taffycat


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I forgot to say that one of our neighbours had told me that she had seen Rocky in the window one day, so she had taken a photo of him whilst we were at work. She explained she was going to get it developed/printed and would give us a copy. She knocked on our door this morning to present me with the phot in a phot frame. She shouldn't have gone t this trouble as she is elderly and can't have a lot of money. She claimed she had the photo frame already, but somehow I don't believe it.

I only quicky took a pic of it this morning, so its not as clear as the real thing.

To add, I managed to see the photo in your link Crazylegs whilst on break. He is a very nice cat and can't be more than 5 years old? Beautiful markings on him and a look as if to say "Do you mind!, I'm doing undercover surveillance. I've spotted 2 suspicious birds already" lol


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No problem Rob we have all been there mate!
Keep ya chin up..

Hey how about a pic of Roly for the members here on the forum, we wanna see the li'l man :nod:
I forgot to say that one of our neighbours had told me that she had seen Rocky in the window one day, so she had taken a photo of him whilst we were at work. She explained she was going to get it developed/printed and would give us a copy. She knocked on our door this morning to present me with the phot in a phot frame. She shouldn't have gone t this trouble as she is elderly and can't have a lot of money. She claimed she had the photo frame already, but somehow I don't believe it.

I only quicky took a pic of it this morning, so its not as clear as the real thing.

To add, I managed to see the photo in your link Crazylegs whilst on break. He is a very nice cat and can't be more than 5 years old? Beautiful markings on him and a look as if to say "Do you mind!, I'm doing undercover surveillance. I've spotted 2 suspicious birds already" lol
What a lovely gesture from a sweet old lady, she obviously knew you were quite attached to him, he looks very masterful there surveying all that pass by..:nod:
Here is Roly. Just had to send them to my work email address as they were on my phone. Its easier to do that as we're not meant to have phones on the floor. He decided to lay down on the floor in our bedroom first and later decided to slump over our pile of socks as I was helping Sarah sort out our clean washing to go back upstairs in the draws lol His face is looking a bit funny in the first pic as I was rude to disturb him with my presence lol


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