Right Click Crahes Windows



Ever since I installed SP2, when I want to perform any action with an
executable file (.exe, .com,...) or a link to that file, the explorer (and
thus windows) crahes, all programs and items on the desktop disappear for a
short while and then all open programs except Windows explorer return.
"Action" defines all, ctrl+x, ctrl+c, right mouse click and all shortcuts to
any of the actions possible with the right mouse click.
I found a workaround, but this is definitely not a fix:
First of all, I can drag and drop files with left mouse buton and secondly,
if I rename file *.exe.whatever I can do what I want with it, move it into
the folder I want it to etc, then rename again or delete it. As I can't
rename file-links, I have to drag them into the waste bin.
Is this error known? What can I do if I DO NOT plan to reinstall Windows or
take away updates applied?
Thank you for your help, it's really appreciated.

Ramesh, MS-MVP



Subbubb said:
Ever since I installed SP2, when I want to perform any action with an
executable file (.exe, .com,...) or a link to that file, the explorer (and
thus windows) crahes, all programs and items on the desktop disappear for a
short while and then all open programs except Windows explorer return.
"Action" defines all, ctrl+x, ctrl+c, right mouse click and all shortcuts to
any of the actions possible with the right mouse click.
I found a workaround, but this is definitely not a fix:
First of all, I can drag and drop files with left mouse buton and secondly,
if I rename file *.exe.whatever I can do what I want with it, move it into
the folder I want it to etc, then rename again or delete it. As I can't
rename file-links, I have to drag them into the waste bin.
Is this error known? What can I do if I DO NOT plan to reinstall Windows or
take away updates applied?
Thank you for your help, it's really appreciated.

Did you ever get this fixed as I have a similar problem, i.e., when I
right click on a desktop or drive icon I get an
explorer.exe-application error message where the "memory" cannot be
written. My workaround is similar to yours. Just checking if you ever
got the problem fixed and, if so, please let me know what you
did...btw, I did reinstall Windows and this fixed it for a couple days
and then it problem returned....Thanks...

Ramesh, MS-MVP


This was my reply to Subbubb:

Right-click is slow or weird behavior caused by context menu handlers:

Right-click is extremely slow only when Network is enabled:

Right click crashes Explorer.exe after installing Windows XP SP2?:

Better way to access the Newsgroup:

Windows XP Newsgroup Setup Instructions for Outlook Express:

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

Windows XP Troubleshooting


Hmm, I'm testing SellExtView now, thanks for the links, very interesting &
helpful. & I uninstalled any divX for now.
The problem, however, seems to be not limited to right mouse, but also to
keyboard shortcuts, like "del", "shift+del", "ctrl+c", "ctrl+v".
Do these shortcuts evoke the same routines in the registry as they would
when accessed through the right-mouse button menue (only the explorer crashes
before I get into any menu)?
And it is limited to executable files. I should thus look in
for every programme installed?


Dear Ramesh.
Thanks for your help, it worked.

for all others encountering crashes when accessing files:
Method 2 (that's the one for dummies):
Download ShellExView and run it. It will scan the registry for all the shell
extensions. Once the scan is over and the list is displayed, you need to spot
the context menu handlers. Sort the results using "Type", so that the context
menu handlers are displayed together.
General rule here is to disable non-Microsoft context menu handlers
*one-by-one* and verify if the problem is solved. If disabling one does not
solve the problem, undo the disabled item and disable the next non-Microsoft
handler. Do the same until the problem is solved and finally identify the
culprit. Scroll right to see the Company Name column in ShellExView.

Now, this is a trick to speed things up: Disable half of them, se if it
works and narrow your search down, basic mathematics - you'll only need to do
it 5 times and you've already checked 4/5th of all filext handlers.

Other pages (http://www.bootdisk.com/bootlist/208.htm#4) might refer to
restarting between disabling. That makes sure, the effect is related to your
disabling, but it's time consuming (my PC takes 06:23min to startup), but you
really don't need to.

It makes it even easier if you check whether the handlers are form windows
or not as they should (should!! doesn't mean they will) work.
Even easier is it to look what filetpes those handlers take care of. In my
case it was a *.exe and *.exefiles handler and if had seen that first, I
would not even have to tweek around. It's now disabled and everything works
perfect again.

It is a
CmdLineContextMenu Class
which is written in this file
and can be found in the registry through this key:

Hope to have been a help.




By the way, just out of interest. Do you know what a CmdLineContextMenu Class
(in C:\WINDOWS\system32\CmdLineExt03.dll,
reg key {9869EFB4-18E9-11D3-A837-00104B9E30B5})
I have no idea what program initialised that.

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