retain BIOS numlock settings



I have read all about the registry and scripting methods of setting the
numlock in WindowsXP. Is there a way to make Windows leave it alone?

The BIOS in many laptops can be set so that the numlock is turned on only
when an external keyboard is connected. It works really well. If docked,
the numlock comes on during bootup and if not docked the numlock stays off.
Unfortunately, when Windows starts up it undoes that and sets the numlock to
whatever the registry says to do.


Jerry Wong

Boot up Num lock On
Here is a little guru trick that often gets me brownie points around the
office. Using this registry change, it is easy to set the state of the
scroll lock, num lock, and caps lock keys upon bootup.
Open the registry and goto:
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard
Change the value of InitialKeyboardIndicators to whichever state you wish...

0 - Indicators off
1 - Caps Lock on
2 - Num Lock on
3 - Caps Lock on and Num Lock on
4 - Scroll Lock on
5 - Caps Lock on and Scroll Lock on
6 - Num Lock on and Scroll Lock on
7 - Caps Lock on, Num Lock on, and Scroll Lock on

Close regedit.... and reboot.

Of course, you should always backup your registry before playing.

Jerry Wong

§Ú·q¬È ­C©MµØ¨º³Ð³y·É®ü§ò¦a¤§¤Ñ¤Wªº¯«¡C(®³1:9)
I fear the LORD, the God of heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry
land. (Jonah 1:9)


Mike said:
I have read all about the registry and scripting methods of setting
numlock in WindowsXP. Is there a way to make Windows leave it alone?

The BIOS in many laptops can be set so that the numlock is turned on
when an external keyboard is connected. It works really well. If
docked, the numlock comes on during bootup and if not docked the
numlock stays off. Unfortunately, when Windows starts up it undoes
that and sets the numlock to whatever the registry says to do.


No. The Windows operating system does not use the BIOS settings for
numlock. BTW, neither does Linux.


George Hester

In the registry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard
Name: InitialKeyboardIndicators
Type: REG_SZ
Value: 0

Now make sure your BIOS is set the way you want it. Sometimes you'll need
an entry in Autoexec.nt

Yves Leclerc

Sorry, but only the Windows NT line of Windows OSes (NT, 2000, XP 2003) do
not use the Num Lock settings. I believe Windows 9x/ME did.


XP remembers the LAST STATE of the these keys upon shutdown/logout, and
restores them at next login, on a user-by-user basis. You can change the
reg all you want, it'll overwrite them when you log off.

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