Resized window off monitor screen, and can't move back to viewing



Resized Media Center window and inadvertently moved it off-screen. I've
tried using the "move" option on the taskbar tab to no avail. The
multi-directional arrow appears, but can't grab anything. My "minimized"
Media Center window seems permanently stuck off-screen!

I can only use it maximized, which of course is not what I want to do.

When I "minimize" it, I can see it "fly" to the left of the monitor screen.

Anyone have any suggestions? I'm listening, and I appreciate it! Thank you.

Steve Easton

Try changing your monitors resolution to a smaller value, and then grab it.
Then set the monitor back.

Dave Cox

Resized Media Center window and inadvertently moved it off-screen.
I've tried using the "move" option on the taskbar tab to no
avail. The multi-directional arrow appears, but can't grab
anything. My "minimized" Media Center window seems permanently
stuck off-screen!

I can only use it maximized, which of course is not what I want to

When I "minimize" it, I can see it "fly" to the left of the
monitor screen.

Anyone have any suggestions? I'm listening, and I appreciate it!
Thank you.

Select the program on the task bar to make it
ALT+SPACEBAR the programs shortcut menu will appear, select MOVE now
use your keyboard arrow keys to move the program back to where you


Thanks you two. I'm sure it's due to my idiocy, but neither of these
suggestions worked for me. Note to self: be. careful. resizing. media
center window. That is, IF I ever get it back.

Will try again to make sure I followed each tip accurately.

Thanks so much for your time, both of you.


Uh, it worked, it worked, IT WORKED!!!! I tried again, and got it back. I
just had to hang on for a minute with the keyboard arrow keys.

THANK YOU! It's great having that $*O(%U Media Center window back again!

....and, I've saved your instructions....just in case, lol!

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