Req: Directory to text


El Gee

I find myself in need of a free util to allow me to show the contents of
a directory as a text file.

Windows XP

I would prefer a smaller proggie rather than it be part of another tool


El Gee <><
Know Christ, Know Peace -- No Christ, No Peace
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El said:
I find myself in need of a free util to allow me to show the contents of
a directory as a text file.

Windows XP

I would prefer a smaller proggie rather than it be part of another tool

2Xplorer and XYPlorer will both allow a text output of directory listings
not sure where the last freeware version of Xyplorer is now


Ron May

I find myself in need of a free util to allow me to show the contents of
a directory as a text file.

Windows XP

I would prefer a smaller proggie rather than it be part of another tool


Many users hack a "command prompt here" in explorer context menu.

If that's the case with you, it's as simple as typing:


Just a thought.

Ron May

ron, i don't follow you on this. could you elaborate?

There's lots of different ways to add a "Command Prompt" item in
explorer's context menu for Win XP when you right click on a folder.

One example is a .reg file like this:

============= CUT HERE ===================


@="Command Prompt"

@="C:\\WINNT\\system32\\Cmd.exe %1"

============= CUT HERE ====================

(Copy and paste the part between the cut lines into notepad and save
the file as (filename).reg then double click or merge the key into
the registry.

There are MANY variations of the above .reg file if you google for
"command prompt context menu"

If you really are not comfortable with editing the registry yourself,
you can go here:

Halfway down the page you'll see "Open Command Window Here"
description and a download link on the right to a M$ powertoy to do
the job for you.

There are also other freeware shell extensions that will add that
capability and other neat functions to windows explorer.

However you do it, when you right-click a folder in explorer, a
command prompt window opens, already set to that directory as the
current directory. After that you can execute whatever DOS commands
you want, including "DIR." When I suggested typing the following:


It executes the DIR command then redirects the output ">" to a file
called dir.txt (or whatever) in that directory. You can use the
command line switches (for a list, type DIR/?, or for a list in the
form of a text file, type dir/?>dir.txt) to format the output to suit
your needs.

El Gee

I find myself in need of a free util to allow me to show the contents
of a directory as a text file.

Windows XP

I would prefer a smaller proggie rather than it be part of another


Thanx to all for the replies!

El Gee <><
Know Christ, Know Peace -- No Christ, No Peace
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El said:
I find myself in need of a free util to allow me to show the contents of
a directory as a text file.

Windows XP

I would prefer a smaller proggie rather than it be part of another tool


El Gee <><
Know Christ, Know Peace -- No Christ, No Peace
Remove .yourhat to reply

Get in DOS (a command prompt) and simple type dir > anyfilename
anyfilename will be a text file.
You can use any of the command line modifiers also. i.e.

dir /o-d > dateseq will put a directory list in reverse dat eorder in the
file dateseq


Susan Bugher



Susan Bugher said:
"Although this version is free, the vendor cheerfully discloses that it's

Sorry Susan, I`ve been using PF for over a year (occassionally),
and mine doesn`t `nag`.
Perhaps he`s updated it.
My version IS freeware ( v1.2 ) under the GNU GPL.

Susan Bugher

Sorry Susan, I`ve been using PF for over a year (occassionally),
and mine doesn`t `nag`.
Perhaps he`s updated it.
My version IS freeware ( v1.2 ) under the GNU GPL.

That's very interesting. . . I haven't been able to find any mention
of GNU GPL licensing for the latest version. Any idea where the source
code for *any* version of this app can be downloaded? IIRC the author
"must" make it available when it's a GNU GPL license.

The author's site doesn't mention a Liteware version - just Trialware
and payware. The link you gave says Nagware - another link just says
free. . .

IOW - same old, same old confusion and obfuscation. . .

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)

Susan Bugher

That's very interesting. . . I haven't been able to find any mention
of GNU GPL licensing for the latest version. Any idea where the source
code for *any* version of this app can be downloaded? IIRC the author
"must" make it available when it's a GNU GPL license.

The author's site doesn't mention a Liteware version - just Trialware
and payware. The link you gave says Nagware - another link just says
free. . .

forgot to give the author's site:

I found a pad file for version 2.21 (the latest version) here:

The EULA does not mention GNU GPL or source code. Could all that be
wrapped up in the .exe file????


Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)

Ron May

Ron, do you happen to know if most XP tips also work in W2K?


Mike Sa

Most of the XP tweaks should work on NT and W2k. I'm sure there are a
few exceptions, but it's easy enough to put the system back the way it
was if necessary, so there's no harm in trying. The three OS versions
are pretty similar in a lot of ways.

I know for a FACT that SOME tweaks will NOT work for Win9x/ME because
of file system and other differences. Savvy 9x/ME users should be
able to work out similar hacks in most cases by examining the .reg
files or other info, or google for similar tweaks specifically written
for 9x/ME.

Al Klein

Ron, do you happen to know if most XP tips also work in W2K?

Many do, many don't, Mike. It's not as simple as yes or no. But I
think that more do than don't.

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