<OT> Review bPrograms



El said:
If you think the few programs he peddles here are bad, he is listed on
Winsite as having 54 programs there.

Can you program? don't really care about aafussy or his programs or his
website but at least he can program. and at least what he programs is
supposedly freeware. That's more than can be said about 3/4's of the
posters here.

El Gee

Can you program? don't really care about aafussy or his programs or
his website but at least he can program. and at least what he
programs is supposedly freeware. That's more than can be said about
3/4's of the posters here.

* First off, I cannot program, nor have I ever claimed I could.
* Secondly, I am getting tired of his/her posts. You can kill file all
you want, but like a roach, he/she always comes back.
* His "programming" leaves a lot to be desired. He takes open source
code and
tweaks it (yes, more than I can do) but he bugs most of the serious
posters here.
* I did not know this was alt.comp.freeware.programmers .
Maybe I missed something.

El Gee <><
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