Removing Unwanted Program from Quick Launch



Recently an internet site required a media program in order to be viewed.
The next day I saw a new icon in the quick launch bar. I exited it and
deleted the program. The icon continues to show up on the quick launch bar.
How can I remove that permanently?


"zona4351" said in news:A621c.4$BA.3@fed1read03:
Recently an internet site required a media program in order to be
viewed. The next day I saw a new icon in the quick launch bar. I
exited it and deleted the program. The icon continues to show up on
the quick launch bar. How can I remove that permanently?

And what is the name of that media program? What does it do? Where
does it go? Whe you right-click on the shortcut, what are its
properties, like the path to the executable? Until you are willing to
identify what IS the unwanted application, there are just too many
thousands for us to guess about a solution.

Have you checked in Add/Remove Programs to see if you have to uninstall
it? If it is still installed then obviously it is possible for it to
recreate any shortcut, file, configuration change, or registry edit that
it wants to perform. Have you tried running Ad-Aware and Spybot to see
if the software you deliberately chose to install is spyware?


You can right-click (alternate-click) any icon in the Quick Launch bar and click delete to remove the shortcut from there


Sharon F

Recently an internet site required a media program in order to be viewed.
The next day I saw a new icon in the quick launch bar. I exited it and
deleted the program. The icon continues to show up on the quick launch bar.
How can I remove that permanently?

Malvern's covered how to handle this if it is spyware or adware related. So
will go over some other possibilities...

I consider a program that is so insistent about what's in your Quick Launch
toolbar as nasty. It's up to you what displays there, not the program. If
the program is still installed, check its menus for an option controlling
the taskbar icon.

If the program has been uninstalled - how did you uninstall it? Add/Remove
Programs? Deleting it from Windows\Downloaded Programs? Did you use one of
those conventional methods to uninstall or some other method? If the
program was simply deleted, you may want to consider reinstalling it so
that it can be uninstalled properly.

The online help documents for the program (at their website) should have
removal directions as well. If a conventional uninstall does not remove all
of the pieces, there may be extra steps described in those documents that
you must perform manually.

Sharon F

Recently an internet site required a media program in order to be viewed.
The next day I saw a new icon in the quick launch bar. I exited it and
deleted the program. The icon continues to show up on the quick launch bar.
How can I remove that permanently?

Oops. Thought it was Malvern that mentioned spyware but it was Vanguard.
Sorry for the mistake on the names.

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