Remote Desktop Immediately disconnecting


Ken Livingston

Hi there.

I have an interesting problem and I am not sure where to post it. I looked
for a Windows Server 2003 newsgroup, but either there aren't any or my news
server doesn't host them yet. Anyway, I am running Windows Server 2003
Evaluation and I am trying to enable either (a) Terminal Services or (b)
Remote Desktop for Administration. Terminal Services is not required for
Remote Desktop for Administration according to the Terminal Server
installation screen, so I was working without it. I have my computer setup
to allow remote connections and I have verified that my user name in Local
Users and Groups | Users is set to be allowed Remote Control. I run the
Remote Desktop Connection applet and type in my computer name (TROUSLE) or
my computers DNS hostname or Private IP address. Any of these work and I am
shortly presented with the login screen for Windows Server 2003. At this
point, I can type in my username and password and I get the status window
saying "Loading your personal profile..." and then it immediately says
"Saving your personal profile" and then closes the connection.

From here I look in the Event Viewer and I can see in the Security tab where
I that name is logged in and then back out, but it doesn't give a reason for
logging out. I can watch in the terminal services manager (when I had it
installed) and I can see the computer connect and stay connected until I try
to log in and then the connection goes away. I have checked everything I
can think of to check and I am at a loss. I do not have a firewall on
either network connection and both computers are on my local network. In
fact, I even tried this from the server and it did the same thing.

Any help would be appreciated. :)

Ken Livingston
(e-mail address removed)

Mahadev Alladi[MS]

This is really interesting. I'd try a couple of things.

1. Logon as this user directly on to the machine (not thro' TS session but
physically). See if its being logged off in this case or this happens only
in case of a Terminal Server session that you're being logged off.
If it happens even when you logon directly, this is obviously not related to
TS. I'd be curious to see what's under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce keys
and also what's under your Startup folder.

If it doesn't happen when you logon directly on the server but only in case
of a TS session it becomes really interesting.
1. Start RDC (mstsc.exe). Make sure under Options-->Programs nothing is
checked. (This is just making extra sure).
2. I'd try several things. Logon as an administrator, then as this
problematic user and another user with the similar rights as this user. Make
sure this user also figures in the "Remote Desktop Users" group.

Tell us how it goes. Hopefully we can narrow down this problem.

Soo Kuan Teo [MS]

Can you please also try logon to physical console? Do you see the same
Soo Kuan

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

Mahadev Alladi said:
This is really interesting. I'd try a couple of things.

1. Logon as this user directly on to the machine (not thro' TS session but
physically). See if its being logged off in this case or this happens only
in case of a Terminal Server session that you're being logged off.
If it happens even when you logon directly, this is obviously not related to
TS. I'd be curious to see what's under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce keys
and also what's under your Startup folder.

If it doesn't happen when you logon directly on the server but only in case
of a TS session it becomes really interesting.
1. Start RDC (mstsc.exe). Make sure under Options-->Programs nothing is
checked. (This is just making extra sure).
2. I'd try several things. Logon as an administrator, then as this
problematic user and another user with the similar rights as this user. Make
sure this user also figures in the "Remote Desktop Users" group.

Tell us how it goes. Hopefully we can narrow down this problem.

Mahadev Alladi [MS]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Ken Livingston said:
Hi there.

I have an interesting problem and I am not sure where to post it. I looked
for a Windows Server 2003 newsgroup, but either there aren't any or my news
server doesn't host them yet. Anyway, I am running Windows Server 2003
Evaluation and I am trying to enable either (a) Terminal Services or (b)
Remote Desktop for Administration. Terminal Services is not required for
Remote Desktop for Administration according to the Terminal Server
installation screen, so I was working without it. I have my computer setup
to allow remote connections and I have verified that my user name in Local
Users and Groups | Users is set to be allowed Remote Control. I run the
Remote Desktop Connection applet and type in my computer name (TROUSLE) or
my computers DNS hostname or Private IP address. Any of these work and
shortly presented with the login screen for Windows Server 2003. At this
point, I can type in my username and password and I get the status window
saying "Loading your personal profile..." and then it immediately says
"Saving your personal profile" and then closes the connection.

From here I look in the Event Viewer and I can see in the Security tab where
I that name is logged in and then back out, but it doesn't give a reason for
logging out. I can watch in the terminal services manager (when I had it
installed) and I can see the computer connect and stay connected until I try
to log in and then the connection goes away. I have checked everything I
can think of to check and I am at a loss. I do not have a firewall on
either network connection and both computers are on my local network. In
fact, I even tried this from the server and it did the same thing.

Any help would be appreciated. :)

Ken Livingston
(e-mail address removed)

Levi Rosol

I am having the exact same issue. I posted a note in another thread:

but here it is again:

I have a clean install of win 2k3, and am seeing the same issue. I
have disabled RD, rebooted, re-enabled RD and tried again, and saw no
change. The event log looks clean (no error msgs, just the normal log
on/log off stuff). RDC simply logs on, then instantly logs the user
off. I have tried using the local admin account, and multiple domain
accounts with no luck.

Also, I have confirmed that the local and domain admins, and 1 user
account are in the RD users section. all of them can log in directly
to the server, but none can use RDC. It simply logs in, then instantly
logs out.

I'm about 30 minutes away from rebuilding this box, so any help would
be great.

Levi Rosol

Soo Kuan Teo said:
Can you please also try logon to physical console? Do you see the same
Soo Kuan

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

Mahadev Alladi said:
This is really interesting. I'd try a couple of things.

1. Logon as this user directly on to the machine (not thro' TS session but
physically). See if its being logged off in this case or this happens only
in case of a Terminal Server session that you're being logged off.
If it happens even when you logon directly, this is obviously not related to
TS. I'd be curious to see what's under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce keys
and also what's under your Startup folder.

If it doesn't happen when you logon directly on the server but only in case
of a TS session it becomes really interesting.
1. Start RDC (mstsc.exe). Make sure under Options-->Programs nothing is
checked. (This is just making extra sure).
2. I'd try several things. Logon as an administrator, then as this
problematic user and another user with the similar rights as this user. Make
sure this user also figures in the "Remote Desktop Users" group.

Tell us how it goes. Hopefully we can narrow down this problem.

Mahadev Alladi [MS]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Ken Livingston said:
Hi there.

I have an interesting problem and I am not sure where to post it. I looked
for a Windows Server 2003 newsgroup, but either there aren't any or my news
server doesn't host them yet. Anyway, I am running Windows Server 2003
Evaluation and I am trying to enable either (a) Terminal Services or (b)
Remote Desktop for Administration. Terminal Services is not required for
Remote Desktop for Administration according to the Terminal Server
installation screen, so I was working without it. I have my computer setup
to allow remote connections and I have verified that my user name in Local
Users and Groups | Users is set to be allowed Remote Control. I run the
Remote Desktop Connection applet and type in my computer name (TROUSLE) or
my computers DNS hostname or Private IP address. Any of these work and
shortly presented with the login screen for Windows Server 2003. At this
point, I can type in my username and password and I get the status window
saying "Loading your personal profile..." and then it immediately says
"Saving your personal profile" and then closes the connection.

From here I look in the Event Viewer and I can see in the Security tab where
I that name is logged in and then back out, but it doesn't give a reason for
logging out. I can watch in the terminal services manager (when I had it
installed) and I can see the computer connect and stay connected until I try
to log in and then the connection goes away. I have checked everything I
can think of to check and I am at a loss. I do not have a firewall on
either network connection and both computers are on my local network. In
fact, I even tried this from the server and it did the same thing.

Any help would be appreciated. :)

Ken Livingston
(e-mail address removed)

Levi Rosol

I found the solution just after i posted here. It has to do with the
latest NVidia drivers. here's a link with more info:

Soo Kuan Teo said:
Can you please also try logon to physical console? Do you see the same
Soo Kuan

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

Mahadev Alladi said:
This is really interesting. I'd try a couple of things.

1. Logon as this user directly on to the machine (not thro' TS session but
physically). See if its being logged off in this case or this happens only
in case of a Terminal Server session that you're being logged off.
If it happens even when you logon directly, this is obviously not related to
TS. I'd be curious to see what's under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce keys
and also what's under your Startup folder.

If it doesn't happen when you logon directly on the server but only in case
of a TS session it becomes really interesting.
1. Start RDC (mstsc.exe). Make sure under Options-->Programs nothing is
checked. (This is just making extra sure).
2. I'd try several things. Logon as an administrator, then as this
problematic user and another user with the similar rights as this user. Make
sure this user also figures in the "Remote Desktop Users" group.

Tell us how it goes. Hopefully we can narrow down this problem.

Mahadev Alladi [MS]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Ken Livingston said:
Hi there.

I have an interesting problem and I am not sure where to post it. I looked
for a Windows Server 2003 newsgroup, but either there aren't any or my news
server doesn't host them yet. Anyway, I am running Windows Server 2003
Evaluation and I am trying to enable either (a) Terminal Services or (b)
Remote Desktop for Administration. Terminal Services is not required for
Remote Desktop for Administration according to the Terminal Server
installation screen, so I was working without it. I have my computer setup
to allow remote connections and I have verified that my user name in Local
Users and Groups | Users is set to be allowed Remote Control. I run the
Remote Desktop Connection applet and type in my computer name (TROUSLE) or
my computers DNS hostname or Private IP address. Any of these work and
shortly presented with the login screen for Windows Server 2003. At this
point, I can type in my username and password and I get the status window
saying "Loading your personal profile..." and then it immediately says
"Saving your personal profile" and then closes the connection.

From here I look in the Event Viewer and I can see in the Security tab where
I that name is logged in and then back out, but it doesn't give a reason for
logging out. I can watch in the terminal services manager (when I had it
installed) and I can see the computer connect and stay connected until I try
to log in and then the connection goes away. I have checked everything I
can think of to check and I am at a loss. I do not have a firewall on
either network connection and both computers are on my local network. In
fact, I even tried this from the server and it did the same thing.

Any help would be appreciated. :)

Ken Livingston
(e-mail address removed)


I got this problem few weeks ago. And when I upgrade my nVidia driver from 56.64 to 56.72, problem solved. But yesterday I found the problem's back again. Everytime I connect to my Windows 2003, it disconnect immediately. Any idea what's going on?

Jeffrey Randow (MVP)

Make sure that the Nvidia Display Driver Service is still not started
(or enabled)... Sometimes Windows will forget this setting (depending
on other changes with the machine) and it may have inardvertently

Jeffrey Randow (Windows Net. & Smart Display MVP)
(e-mail address removed)

Please post all responses to the newsgroups for the benefit
of all USENET users. Messages sent via email may or may not
be answered depending on time availability....

Remote Networking Technology Support Site -
Windows XP Expert Zone -


NVIDIA Display Driver Service is started. But if I disabled it, will my graphic card have the same performence? Or it will act as if the nvidia driver's not installed


Jeffrey Randow (MVP)

That I can't tell you (I use ATI cards)... The issue was with that
particular service included with the newer display drivers...

Jeffrey Randow (Windows Net. & Smart Display MVP)
(e-mail address removed)

Please post all responses to the newsgroups for the benefit
of all USENET users. Messages sent via email may or may not
be answered depending on time availability....

Remote Networking Technology Support Site -
Windows XP Expert Zone -


Well, still thanks
I think the only choice is sit and wait for NVIDIA's next not-so-multi-functional driver...

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