Remote Assistance



Hi I have been taking control of an elderly relative’s computer on a regular
basis to help sort out problems, defrag and up date things. I now seem unable
to do so since he has changed ISP. At the same time he also loaded 2007
Norton Internet Protection software. I have been reading through some of your
forums to see what might be the problem and I have ruled out the tick in the
Allow Remote Assistance in properties of My Computer. I have also been
looking at the RA file in notepad and notice that when I was successful in
taking over the RCTicket was as follows
Whereas now it is
Is this significant. I have tried to edit the ticket to the old format
without success.
I have yet to try out just switching off the Norton as access is limited! Do
you think that is the more likely or should I pursue the more complicated
Ticket theory?


I must say i am disappointed that no one has bothered to help me on this one.
Perhaps you see it too often. I have read all of your advice and I have
contacted Symantec and nothing has worked. My elderly realtive is now on her
own. Pity, she used to enjoy using her PC but I could give her the confidence
that we could sort out whatever problems she had brought upon herself. She
has now lost that confidence and is scared to touch anything. I am sure that
this is a simple problem for you to solve for us and I am sad that no one has
repsonded to my pleas for help.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

The lack of replies might be due to not many people using
Remote Assistance. I use remote support extensively but
I prefer WinVNC because it is platform-independent. My
clients (including my 90-year old mother who lives on a
different continent) click one particular shortcut which will
instantly connect their machine to mine.

Installation of the package at the client end is child's play.
At the server end it is demanding.

Ken Blake, MVP

Charlie3110 said:
I must say i am disappointed that no one has bothered to help me on
this one. Perhaps you see it too often. I have read all of your
advice and I have contacted Symantec and nothing has worked. My
elderly realtive is now on her own. Pity, she used to enjoy using her
PC but I could give her the confidence that we could sort out
whatever problems she had brought upon herself. She has now lost that
confidence and is scared to touch anything. I am sure that this is a
simple problem for you to solve for us and I am sad that no one has
repsonded to my pleas for help.

If you think you are addressing Microsoft here, let me explain that you are
not, and that his is a peer support
newsgroup--microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (although you are accessing it
using the awful web-based interface). We are all just Windows XP users here,
helping each other if and when we can. We are not Microsoft employees (not
even those of us with "Microsoft MVP" behind our names; that's an honorary
title for having provided consistently helpful advice) except for an
occasional employee who posts here unofficially on his own time.

So if nobody has anwered your question, it could be for a variety of
reasons: nobody here knows the answer; the person who knows your answer is
on vacation; you didn't explain your situation clearly enough; etc. The
reason is not simply that "no one has bothered to help" you.

Personally, I know little about Remore Assistamce, and am unable to help.
Nobody here knows everything.

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