reloading XP

  • Thread starter gimmeSomethingICanWorkWith
  • Start date


I'm glad I never paid for Vista Ultimate; got to try it from my MSDN
subscription. I certainly gave it a go, but I spent the weekend
formatting and starting over with XP. Way too many things don't work
in Vista, and I can't wait for them to fix all the stuff thats broken.
VPN, Visual Studio 2005, Symantec AntiVirus; you name it, and it
doesn't work. Really liked the gadgets, but its hard to tell which
ones work and don't work. I could install some neat gadget, and then
get errors that I am supposed to debug when I reboot. Doesn't anyone
check this stuff to make sure it works?
I love the Mac TV advertisments about security; I can tell you I
turned that crap off real quick. Did they really expect anyone to
actually use this? I also understand that there are some serious
security holes in Vista and let them figure it out, but I am not
hanging around waiting.
I never did see anything in Vista that offered a compelling reason to
upgrade. Oh wow, Aero, which was not enabled on on my PC, because my
graphics card was rated at a 2. I just bought the damn thing and it
supports dual monitors, but its rated at 2.
When my Dell gets too sluggish and needs to be replaced, I will
probably buy a Mac. I need something that I can turn on and expect to
actually work.
I'm sure there are a lot of really happy Vista users out there, and it
seems all new computers are being sold with Vista, and I wish you the


Im sorry your experiance hasn't been great. MSDN, surely you must be in the
industry for MSDN as I and to keep abrest of things I need to run Windows
and MAC.

To put things in perspective MAC is not better than Windows and Windows is
not better than MAC, depending what you would like to do, depending on your
knowledge determines your requirements. Unfortunately 90% will be Windows as
this is the market leader. Put a 5 year user infront of a MAC and within the
hour they will be back to pc, this includes professionals too. This isn't
gonna change and Microsoft knows it. All this baloney about security 90% of
pc are windows so hackers will attack this so this is what you hear about.
BUT my MAC clients get infected more than the windows clients because they
are complacent because they hear and think MACs are more secure. The first
virus designed was for a MAC

However, your MSDN subscription ???? Im confused... If you subscribe how
come you do not know about..

Symantec, which version do you have ?. As per the above link..

While we have made tremendous investments in Windows Vista to ensure
backwards compatibility, some of the system enhancements, such as User
Account Control, changes to the networking stack, and the new graphics
model, make Windows Vista behave differently from previous versions of

Serious security holes in Vista, if there was I wouldn't be recommending it
to clients or using it myself. All software has security issues including
MAC. One of the recent security hole in Vista needed a user to do 10 steps
in actual sequence which was said to be a 1 in 10 to the power of 6 to
happen but Microsoft still launced the patch. Cisco routers have security
holes and they run the internet, but as Microsoft, patches are issued to fix
but you dont hear about those.

Any way, get your xp up and running how you like and run the Vista
compatability check, this will give you some pointers.

Its not all Microsoft fault, Manufacturers had this for over a year before
it launched and they haven't bothered with drivers and software updates
because they want you to buy their new products.

in message

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