registry problems



Hi folks,

I have loads of registry problems and all the programs I download are trial
programs and only fix a small amount of the problems , before asking me to
pay for the full programs. I am very poor at the minute and can't aford the
full programs. Can any one help or point me in the right direction.




JC said:
Hi folks,

I have loads of registry problems and all the programs I download are
trial programs and only fix a small amount of the problems , before
asking me to pay for the full programs. I am very poor at the minute
and can't aford the full programs. Can any one help or point me in
the right direction.



How do you know you have registry problems? With all the downloads you
mentioned I'd think of viruses, trojans, worms and other malware as the
first target to go after. You gave no other info to comment in, so


Bruce Chambers

JC said:
Hi folks,

I have loads of registry problems and all the programs I download are trial
programs and only fix a small amount of the problems , before asking me to
pay for the full programs. I am very poor at the minute and can't aford the
full programs. Can any one help or point me in the right direction.



Why do you think you have "registry problems?"

What specific *problems* are you actually experiencing (not some
snake oil program's bogus listing of imaginary problems) that you think
can be fixed by using a registry cleaner? If you do have a problem that
is rooted in the registry, it would be far better to simply edit (after
backing up, of course) only the specific key(s) and/or value(s) that are
causing the problem. After all, why use a chainsaw when a scalpel will
do the job? Additionally, the manually changing of one or two registry
entries is far less likely to have the dire consequences of allowing an
automated product to make multiple changes simultaneously.

The registry contains all of the operating system's "knowledge" of
the computer's hardware devices, installed software, the location of the
device drivers, and the computer's configuration. A misstep in the
registry can have severe consequences. One should not even turning
loose a poorly understood automated "cleaner," unless he is fully
confident that he knows *exactly* what is going to happen as a result of
each and every change. Having seen the results of inexperienced people
using automated registry "cleaners," I can only advise all but the most
experienced computer technicians (and/or hobbyists) to avoid them all.
Experience has shown me that such tools simply are not safe in the hands
of the inexperienced user.

The only thing needed to safely clean your registry is knowledge
and Regedit.exe. If you lack the knowledge and experience to maintain
your registry by yourself, then you also lack the knowledge and
experience to safely configure and use any automated registry cleaner,
no matter how safe they claim to be.

Further, no one has ever demonstrated, to my satisfaction, that the
use of an automated registry cleaner, particularly by an untrained,
inexperienced computer user, does any real good. There's certainly been
no empirical evidence offered to demonstrate that the use of such
products to "clean" WinXP's registry improves a computer's performance
or stability.

I always use Regedit.exe. I trust my own experience and judgment
far more than I would any automated registry cleaner. I strongly
encourage others to acquire the knowledge, as well.


Bruce Chambers

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