Reg hack to reset volume control ? (XP Pro)


- Bobb -

Oftne someone else leaves the volume loud on the PC and when I log on I
hear the Winodws tone and it's very loud. I'd llike to have Windows
adjust the volume during each boot / logon ( if in standby). On a scale
of 0 to 10 , I'd like it to be about a 1 when I log on. I tried googling
for audio, volume etc and couldn't find one to adjust during
logon/boot - most volume hits have to do with volume licenses. Any
pointers to reg hack to do so ?


Hello Bbb,
That was really a good question and I am not sure if it is possible I mean
if anyone thought about this kind of tunning.
Anyways have a look at
I have not read that link fully and so I am not sure if that has the right
answer u are looking for.
Looking forward to see any replies or a fix this.
I will post if I find anything useful and if u can figure it out let us know.

- Bobb -

Hello Kristan,

Thanks for the file. I downloaded it and inserted
"C:\WINDOWS\system32\setvolume.exe" 10 into both HKLM and HKCU
\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and it does reduce the
volume once logged in, but not before/as the user signs in. So what
happens if I leave the volume loud and logoff (or reboot), the "Welcome
to Windows " chime plays loudly, then I hear a slight click and the
volume is reduced. Anyway to have is lower the volume AS the PC boots
( so that no one hears the loud chime at all) ?


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