Reference for deploying Access 2007 in Sharepoint 2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dale Fye
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Dale Fye

I'm looking for a good reference on deploying Access 2007 database (data,
forms, reports) in Sharepoint 2007.

I was just browsing some Access 2007 books at the book store, and a couple
of them devoted a couple of pages to actually deploying Access 2007 forms
and reports in a Sharepoint 2007 environment.

I've got a database at work that I've been developing for local office use.
My boss has recently indicated that he would like to make it available to a
broader community of our organization, and the only ways I was aware of to
do that would be:

1. to move it to a true client-server, using SQL Server as the backend and
Acces as the front-end. Unfortunately, our security protocols would
probably not allow that.
2. migrate it to a .Net web application. Too much time and effort involved
3. place the application on a terminal server (this might be an option, but
I doubt we have a terminal server in our organization)

When I read that you could actually deploy the Access database on
Sharepoint, and make the Access forms and reports available from the server,
I was curious. Unfortunately, neither of the books I looked at had more
than a cursory discussion of the process.
I belong to Safari Books Online (
). With Safari you get accessssss to a large library of books and you
also get accesss to "rough cuts" which are books in progress. There
is a rough cut for a book entitled "Integrating Microsoft® Office
Access 2007 and Microsoft® SharePoint Server 2007" by Alison Balter
located at from
Que publishing that I read that does a good job at a basic to mid
level understanding of this.

Otherwise I have noticed that a lot of the books on Office 2007 or
Access 2007 typically devote a chapter or 2 to the subject. When I do
a search on Safari I get a lot of results. For example Alison Balter
has an Access Book - Alison Balter's Mastering Microsoft® Office
Access 2007 Development from SAMS (
) that has more in depth Access info including working with

I believe that even as a non-member you may be able to take advantage
of the search there to find books on this or other topics.

Lee Allen
Warning: blowing own trumpet.

My book "Sams Teach Yourself SharePoint 2007 in 24 Hours: Using Windows
SharePoint services 3.0

( FAQ/DispForm.aspx?ID=1337)

which has just gone to the printers, and will be available in ca 4
weeks, has an entire chapter on creating reports from WSS 3.0 lists by
using Access 2007.

I cover both reporting single lists and two (multiple) lists - thus
using both the reporting wizard and not using the wizard.

Mike Walsh
I regret that private e-mail questions will not be answered