Recovery Console and HAL.DLL Reinstall



On a WINXP Home machine, had a corrupted HAL.DLL on a laptop with no floppy
drive - UGH.

Tried to use the System Recovery Console launching it from CD.

I renamed "hal.dll" to "hal.old"

Then used the command:
expand d:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32\hal.dll

and always got the message "unable to create hal.dll"

Confirmed that hal.dl_ was in fact at d:\i386, and that c:\windows\system32
was the correct destination.

What was I doing wrong?

Is there any good source for information on System Recovery Console for
Windows XP? I searched today and failed miserably on finding adequate

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Try this, expand D:\i386\*.cab -F:hal.dll C:\windows\system32\
-F is a switch for accessing the file. Thats not C:\winnt\ is it?


I can't test that, I already went to Reinstall in Place.

What a pain in the ___

This is Windows XP. I never tried the /f: siwtch because
the help documentation says: "If the source contains more
than one file, the parameter is required to identify the
specific files to be expanded. May include wild cards."

It didn't seem to be the problem.

Also, when I checked out "H" then "HAL.DLL is Missing"
under he gives
the same command I was using!

Hence my continued confusion.

Thanks for your idea though.

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