Reapiring IE 6.0.29



My IE that came with SP2 has become somewhat corrupted and some websites do
not load well (very slow) and I can no longer do an internet search from my
address bar. I tried uninstalling IE -no go. I reinstalled SP2 not
corrected. How can I repair IE 6.0.29 without reinstalling windows?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE

Rick said:
My IE that came with SP2 has become somewhat corrupted and some
websites do not load well (very slow) and I can no longer do an
internet search from my address bar. I tried uninstalling IE -no go.
I reinstalled SP2 not corrected. How can I repair IE 6.0.29 without
reinstalling windows?

You are probably infected by malware.
Malware Removal:

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Outfitting a new computer for the Net


Thank you. I tried this but I still have the same problem. If I could
re-install IE, I think it would solve the problem.


I seems sad that the only way to repair ie 6 is to reinstall windows. It
just isn't right..............MS needs to think that one through a bit better
rather than worrying about ie comptetive browsers.

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