read and rate the response



When I get a Notification email, I can't get the 'Read and Rate the Response'
option to take me to the site.
Does anyone else have this problem

Alan Edwards

I assume you are talking about the dreaded web interface to newsgroups
using IE? (as you are posting with it)

Bear in mind that you may not get many to respond as I guess most have
never used it for anything but testing.

You will get a far better experience of newsgroups if you use a proper
newsreader instead of that slow and quirky web interface you are

Outlook Express Newsreader-Setting up




I't's only a couple of months until I turn 81.
I appreciate your help.
I had a look at 'Hush Mail'' but it's too complicated for me.
I'll just have to keep the method I now use.
When 'Read and Rate' the response doesn't work I go to the site and search
for the reply.


Thanks Kelly,
Two days after your Independence day.
"Rate & read the response ' worked fine for your reply


Today I again tried to open a reply by using 'Read and rate the response',
but it again failed to open.
I looked at your first reply to my query but, as I said before it was too
complicated for me.
I don't think the failure to open using, 'Read and rate the response', has
anything to do with my computer's set up or programns, as every time I get a
reply from the AUMHA forum, '', 'Read and rate the
response' always works.

Alan Edwards

With respect, I can only suggest you try a little harder to use a
newsreader. I is not that difficult and is worth spending 5 or 10
minutes mastering it.



Alan said:
With respect, I can only suggest you try a little harder to use a
newsreader. I is not that difficult and is worth spending 5 or 10
minutes mastering it.


That's a different source than the other ones you're getting. Switch to
a newsreader, OE, FireFox, etc.; you'll be glad you did. We don't see
that crap here.


I appreciate your trying to help me but I'll be 81 soon and I guess that I'm
one of those old dogs that can't be taught new tricks
I discovered, by accident, that Read and rate the Reply does work but it
takes a lot of time, 50secs or thereabouts.
What happened is that the last time I tried opening the Response my cursor
was in the bottom toolbar and I could see that it was still trying to open
the response.
it was my impatience that was at fault.
Tried to answer you earlier but the Service was temporarily unavailable.

Alan Edwards

If you can manage that infernal web interface, you can manage a
newsreader. At 67, I don't have the patience for the interface, so I
really don't know what rate the Reply does or why you would want to.



G'day Alan,
When I get an email response to a question it has a "Read and Rate the
link. Clicking on this it should take you to the response this, when it
works, is a lot easier than searching for it.
I use the AUHMA forum a fair bit and their link always works.
I'll just plod along with what I'm using.

When the game is over, the King and the pawn share the same box.


I have no idea of what you are taking about: sorry. I sent question: I have
long lists of dates, 00/00/0000 and wanted to know how of if I could highlite
just the year (vertically), then delete the year, then sort. I response came
back, but when I clicked "Read and rate the response", the screen just went
blank. I had clicked the little paper clip, bottom right, then clicked the
long title, then clicked "OpenP. I, in frustration, went bck and clicked
"Save Attachments", but have no idea where or what happend to tht "Saves"
attachment...??? HELP! Oh--while I am at it: every time I open my desktop,
a "Task Manager" frame comes up (???) that I have to delete before I can go
to WORD, Also, every morning, my desktop is nothing but the rolling hill
green and blue pastorial scene. I have to click Ctrl,Alt, and Delete to get
the desktop icons to show..???

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