"Help and Support" locking up



I have been having problems with my computer (in general). Upon opening
the "Help and Support" window and selecting "personal assistant" the
program locks up directly or when I choose to allow an internet
connection for the help program.

My computer has Norton Internet Security, ccApp.exe has been causing
hangups during shutdown of the computer.

The CD ROM has not been working properly either.

I do not know if all problems are related or ...???

Please, can anyone help me?

Colin Barnhorst

ccApp takes a while to shut down. It is probably not hanging. The OS is
probably just waiting for it to clean up before the OS continues shut down.
Go onto the Symantec website and let the automatic tool check your
installation for problems. It will give you instructions to fix any
problems that it finds.

http://www.symantec.com/techsupp/ Proceed from this screen.

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