Query from lookup list



Is there a way to create a look up list that will pop up
for the user to select a value from the list then the
query will be run instead of the user having to type in
the title that they want?

Thanks in advance!!


[MVP] S. Clark

There is always a way.

A lookup list is a combo box.
A pop up is a form that is displayed with the Model property set to true.

I don't understand what you mean about having to type in the title.


Steve Clark, Access MVP
FMS, Inc.
Professional Solutions Group
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What I have is a table of differnt training types. I need
a combo box to pop up with my different types of training
so that the user can pick a training type to run the query
with.... Right now I just have a message box that pops up
and asks the user to type in the training type they want
and then the query runs from that input.




Do you mean you don't want the user to type in a
parameter, but rather choose it? If so, you have to
create an unbound form (don't base it on any table or
query) named, say, frmCrit. Put a combo box (also
unbound, i.e. no control source) on it, named cbo"#" (#
being whatever number is assigned in the name property
line.) Then go back to your query and type in the criterion


on the field you want to search. The form must be open
before you run the query. It's convenient to just open
frmcrit first, and have a command button on it that will
open the form or report you have based on the query.
hope this is what u needed. mate.


Yes that is what I want to do. but I dont' understand...
why do I make an unbound combobox how is the user going to
choose the type of training from the table if there are no
values in the combo box? Sorry to be difficult... I have
not used Access very much!

Thanks for your help.

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