publishing remote server having frontpage extensions from another

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fran
  • Start date Start date


Is there anyway to publish from one hosting place to another with the
publish menu. I would like to publish my website that is hosted with my
domain to another web hosting company with FrontPage extensions without
doing it by ftp and by using the publish on a remote server having frontpage
extensions with Front page.
They tell me I have to ftp it because my domain is not switched yet.
Could I publish it by changing my host file to something like
http://222.222.22 etc.
thanks for you help
Yes you can publish to an IP address (instead of a URL)
Open your local (or other remote site) in FP and use File Publish then enter the address as you have posted it


| Hi
| Is there anyway to publish from one hosting place to another with the
| publish menu. I would like to publish my website that is hosted with my
| domain to another web hosting company with FrontPage extensions without
| doing it by ftp and by using the publish on a remote server having frontpage
| extensions with Front page.
| They tell me I have to ftp it because my domain is not switched yet.
| Could I publish it by changing my host file to something like
| http://222.222.22 etc.
| thanks for you help
| Francine
| --
| Ce message est confidentiel et ne s'adresse qu'au destinataire. S'il vous a
| été transmis par mégarde, veuillez le détruire et nous en aviser aussitôt.
| Merci !
Great and do they have to do anything first on my new hosting site to allow
this ?
Thank you ever so much for saying it can be done as ftp was not my choisce
as I have done this with other sites and had much work after fixing thing
back. Do you know If I publish it this way if I will have to redo unique
permissions, usernames and passwords and such with protected subwebs when I
publish it ?
thanky ever so much
The new host (or you thru their control panel) must enable the FP SE on the site

Yes you will need to set all unique permissions on subwebs as they are never transferred
- you may need to open the new site & set up the subwebs thru Tools Server Options Admin before you publish

| Great and do they have to do anything first on my new hosting site to allow
| this ?
| Thank you ever so much for saying it can be done as ftp was not my choisce
| as I have done this with other sites and had much work after fixing thing
| back. Do you know If I publish it this way if I will have to redo unique
| permissions, usernames and passwords and such with protected subwebs when I
| publish it ?
| thanky ever so much
| Fran
| --
| Ce message est confidentiel et ne s'adresse qu'au destinataire. S'il vous a
| été transmis par mégarde, veuillez le détruire et nous en aviser aussitôt.
| Merci !
| | > Yes you can publish to an IP address (instead of a URL)
| > Open your local (or other remote site) in FP and use File Publish then
| > enter the address as you have posted it
| >
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > | > | Hi
| > | Is there anyway to publish from one hosting place to another with the
| > | publish menu. I would like to publish my website that is hosted with my
| > | domain to another web hosting company with FrontPage extensions without
| > | doing it by ftp and by using the publish on a remote server having
| > frontpage
| > | extensions with Front page.
| > | They tell me I have to ftp it because my domain is not switched yet.
| > | Could I publish it by changing my host file to something like
| > | http://222.222.22 etc.
| > | thanks for you help
| > | Francine
| > |
| > | --
| > | Ce message est confidentiel et ne s'adresse qu'au destinataire. S'il
| > vous a
| > | été transmis par mégarde, veuillez le détruire et nous en aviser
| > aussitôt.
| > | Merci !
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
Note: You can only publish to an IP address, if your domain is NOT hosted on a shared IP account.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
Share IP address hosting is when a web hosting service assigns the same IP address to multiple web
hosting account, then the only way to access individual web account, is via it's domain name. Web
host do this to save money.

A static IP address is assigned to single web hosting account.

A web hosting account can have more than one domain, when it is static, however in terms of using FP
you would access the site via it's primary domain (normally the first domain set up for the

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.