Program detects out product as spyware!



As part of an application we distribute comercially
we have a file called bridge.dll. MS spyware program
detects thsi as Bridge/winFavorites and thinks it is a
keylogger and says it is a severe threat!

My question for MS is this: Is the engine going to
discrimiante between actual spyware and files that
just happen to share the same name?

Bill Sanderson

You betcha!

Here's the KB article describing the parameters the program uses to
determine whether an application is one which merits action by the program: Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta)
identifies a program as a spyware threat (Listing criteria and Dispute

And, more to the point--here's a link to the false postive reporting form:

Sorry this is happening, and thanks for reporting it--hope this information
gets this fixed.

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