Problems reading Vista 64-Bit OS installation DVD after clone copy

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Ok, I have installed a copy of Vista 64-Bit OS OEM 6 months ago, but, I was
running out of disk space.

So, I did a clone copy of my original installed Vista 64-bit OS and other
installed software using "Seagate DiscWizard" from the old hard drive to the
new hard drive (250GB>500GB). Everything went fine, I now have my original
Vista 64-Bit with all my installed software on the larger hard drive.

My Question :

When ever I pop my Vista 64-Bit OS installation CD in the DVD drive it does
not read the disk, it appears like it's not there. Nor, I can not bootup
with the Vista 64-Bit OS installation CD (If I were to reinstall a fresh
copy of Vista)...What causes this?

Other things I've tried, I have a notebook computer and I inserted the Vista
64-Bit OS installation CD in the DVD drive. My notebook computer read the
disk and I can explore the contents.
How are you trying to read it? Can you read any other disks. Will it boot
with other bootable disks? Could be your drive needs cleaned.
I can read many other CD's with the dvd drive, such as the original Dell
Vista 32-bit installation CD. Plus, this disk (the dell vista 32-bit
installation cd) can bootup as if I wanted to install this operating system
and also, the dell vista 32-bit installation cd can read in windows on the
same computer.

I have no problems reading many different CD/DVD's. I just can't read the
Vista Ultimate 64-Bit OEM dvd anymore, either way from booting up from the
dvd or reading in windows.

I just bought a new dvd drive to see if thats the problem. I'm still waiting
for the dvd drive to be delivered to me.
Also, I can read the Vista Ultimate 64-Bit OEM dvd in my notebook computer,
just not my main computer.

Question : Does microsoft lock the vista installation oem dvd's if you
install just once in a computer? I spent $179.00 for the Vista Ultimate
64-Bit OEM dvd, do I have to buy another one?