Problems accessing some sites on Web



I was wondering could anyone help me here. I've noticed strange things when I'm on the web in the last few days. Since last Wednesday/Thursday, I can't access ''. I don't know if the site is down or not. I can access '' though

This goes for '' too. It takes a long time to load, and then I get 'the page not found' message. But then at other times I do get to the page but when I click on the links, the links do not respond. This is weird because '' works fine. I've noticed '' acting the same

For some reason I can access some site's but I can't access many other sites

When I'm in Yahoo Groups, or Chat, I notice that the pop-up ads, you know that ones that appear next to a reply in Yahoo Groups or under the Yahoo Chat loading page, well they don't come up either. The 'page not found message' comes up

Can anyone help me out here



No need to reply. I've located the glitch!

Somehow, maybe during a patch install or something else, something disabled my Java features, when I went to check my Java click boxes in internet option/advanced, 2 of the 3 java boxes were unticked.

Does anyone ever find things like that happening to them? You go on the Internet, and when you come off it sometimes, you find a setting on your PC has been changed or altered for no apparent reason?


----- Jay D wrote: -----

I was wondering could anyone help me here. I've noticed strange things when I'm on the web in the last few days. Since last Wednesday/Thursday, I can't access ''. I don't know if the site is down or not. I can access '' though.

This goes for '' too. It takes a long time to load, and then I get 'the page not found' message. But then at other times I do get to the page but when I click on the links, the links do not respond. This is weird because '' works fine. I've noticed '' acting the same.

For some reason I can access some site's but I can't access many other sites.

When I'm in Yahoo Groups, or Chat, I notice that the pop-up ads, you know that ones that appear next to a reply in Yahoo Groups or under the Yahoo Chat loading page, well they don't come up either. The 'page not found message' comes up.

Can anyone help me out here?


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