problem with displaying images, video



When I load up Windows Xp, lines appear up and down the screen while it
loads. I would have loved a picture of it in order to show the problem, but
the print screen doesnt work while the comp loads up. But the same problems
occurs on many icons on the computer, which appear, well off. Here is an
If you notice, the icons for wmp, solitaire, etc, appear off. But the worst
is on media files. On media files (no matter which player I use, VLC, WMP,
Quicktime, etc.), dots and lines appear on the screen, all over.

Things I have tried (and that have failed to the fix the problem):
1. Un-installing and re-installing my display driver
2. Freeing up RAM (I have 512, and am almost all ways abover 160 no matter
what im doing)
3. Freeing up my hardrive (I hav 30 Gigs, hav about 10 free)
4. Defragging the hardrive (the first time i did it it actually seemed to
work, but then the computer soon relapsed with the problem, and this method
has not worked since)
5. Hooked up the laptop to a desktop monitor, and the same problem persisted
there as well

Here's some vital stats I hope will help:
My computer is a Dell Laptop Inspiron 600m, purchased in December 2004
It uses a Mobile Radeon 900, and my display setting are set to 1024 by 768
(the max), its colors set to highest (32 bit), and DPI setting set to normal
(96 DPI)

This problem has persisted for over a year, and any and all help is
appreciated greatly. Thank you.


I see nothing wrong with the picture you link to. Do you have any other
screenshots of this defect?



Grand_Poohbah said:
I see nothing wrong with the picture you link to. Do you have any other
screenshots of this defect?


I hope these may be off assistance:
CTRL-i shot of WMP (Note the red areas on the left side of the pic, near the
light, etc.)
Screenshot of WMP opening up to fullscreen (The black lines that appear up
and down the screen are similar to the lines that appear on all my media
Photo of my computer loading up (Those lines appear every time)

it is important to note that these lines do not appear all the time, just on
load up and media files


The last one (Windows loading) shows the problem the best. What it looks
like to me is that a video memory chip, or chips, has died. Regularily
spaced blotches and off-color representations usually mean this.

If this has existed for over a year and you have had the laptop since Dec
2004, then the warranty is probably expired. I am not familiar with that
particular model, but I think the video RAM is shared with your main RAM. If
this is the case, try having a shop temporarily insert a new RAM chipset into
your computer. If the problem clears up, then that's the ticket.

The clue lies in the external monitor. If it is exhibiting the same
symptoms, then it has to be coming from the video portion of your computer
and not just a display mapping problem.

Post back and let me know of the outcome.


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