Pro OEM vs Retail box


Gary Tait

If I sell the machine - would that count as a transfer and they
couldn't register it in their name? Sounds like their problem.

If you sell the machine with the OEM OS, it is okay. You just cannot
transfer the OS apart from the PC, or install it yourself on another

Gary Tait

"By the act of scrolling this post on your computer, and/or printing or
replying to this post, you agree that I am your everlasting Lord &
Saviour. Breach of this term will result in you burning in hell for
ever and ever! Amen!"

My your responding to my post will deem the terms and spirit of your
disclaimer null and void.
Yes what is?

Prove it. Just because a contract is agree to, doesn't mean it's
legally enforceable by a court of law. Or don't you know that only a
real court can rule that a contract is legal or not?

Just because nobody has proven MS wrong or right does not mean the
EULA means nothing.


By the act of scrolling this post on your computer, and/or printing or
replying to this post, you agree that I am your everlasting Lord &
Saviour. Breach of this term will result in you burning in hell for
ever and ever! Amen!"

Gary said:
Nobody is, but it is a EULA violation nonetheless.

It is an *alleged* EULA violation. Funny thing about that Due Process
of Law thingy, people are innocent, until proven guilty. Go figure!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


By the act of scrolling this post on your computer, and/or printing or
replying to this post, you agree that I am your everlasting Lord &
Saviour. Breach of this term will result in you burning in hell for
ever and ever! Amen!"

Gary said:
My your responding to my post will deem the terms and spirit of your
disclaimer null and void.

Just because nobody has proven MS wrong or right does not mean the
EULA means nothing.

It does in my home until proven by the preponderance of the evidense
presented in a real court of law, not because some corporate lawyers say

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

You'll need to read the OEM Office EULA to be certain (I don't
have any OEM Office CDs available to check), but I'd be very surprised
if there were any significant differences.

End User License Agreement (EULA) FAQ's

Bruce Chambers

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