Printing colour & black & white


Luke Bellamy

Hi - I have added a tick box in my reporting form to explicitly print
reports in black and white (default is colour). So I have code like this:

If ReportBlackAndWhite Then
rpt.Printer.ColorMode = acPRCMMonochrome
rpt.Printer.ColorMode = acPRCMColor
End If

I am running Access 2002 and I do know that the logic is correct but even
though I
set rpt.Printer.ColorMode = acPRCMMonochrome it still prints in colour??
Of course rpt is the current report and I have this in the Report_Open

Any ideas or alternatives would be appreciated?

Allen Browne

Hi Luke

If you can't just set the ForeColor for all controls to Black and save the
report, could you use the Open event of the report to loop through the
Controls and set it to black?

Luke Bellamy

Yeah that thought crossed my mind but I actually have a logo on the report
that is colour. Also setting the colour to black by iterating through the
would be less effecient than if I can just set the Application.Printer
object to
print in black and white. Would be very nice if it just worked :(

Luke Bellamy
Newcastle, Australia

Allen Browne said:
Hi Luke

If you can't just set the ForeColor for all controls to Black and save the
report, could you use the Open event of the report to loop through the
Controls and set it to black?

Luke Bellamy

Allen - just for your information I worked it out.
I read on the Microsoft they dont recommend setting report printer
settings during the loading events of a report. Instead they say open
the report hidden in design mode before hand, set the printer colors etc,
save a close. So I did that but the saving did not actually save.
I had to actually set another property (I just reset the caption) to force
the report to actually save the print settings I made.

Very weird but I had heaps of debug around this and this is the only
way I could get it to work every time.

Luke Bellamy

Allen Browne said:
Hi Luke

If you can't just set the ForeColor for all controls to Black and save the
report, could you use the Open event of the report to loop through the
Controls and set it to black?

Allen Browne

Thanks for posting your solution, Luke, so it is available for others to
read in the archive.

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