Printing a speech with slide prompts



Hi - I've written a speech for my boss in Word with a
corresponding Powerpoint presentation. I've seen before a
speech printout [looks like a Word doc] with a
little "next slide" icon in the margins which prompts the
speaker to change slides. Am I dreaming - can't see how
to generate such a print out in either Word or
Powerpoint. Printing the Notes view makes for a lot of
pages and too much flicking over.

Your thoughts?

Kathy J

Try using File--> Send to--> Word, 3 slides per page, with notes next to
them. Use the link option, then break the links when you are in Word (use
Edit--> Links to get rid of the links). This should give you what you are
describing. (Why link, then break the links? Because without doing the link,
the Word file ends up gigantic. When you do the link/break link thing, they
only end up big.)

You will end up with a three column table. First column is slide number,
second is a miniature slide, third is the notes for the slide.

If you haven't moved the Word document content to PPT yet: Do the same
process, but after you break the links, copy the Word document chunks in the
third column of the Word table.

Try it and let us know if it does what you want.
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


Thanks Kathy - this is okay but still not great as it
still makes for lots of pages. Is there any way to do it
so in the process the notes underneath [the slides are
images not words] become blocks of text prefaced by a
little icon indicating the slide number? Can't do
graphics in this message but something like this, with
the number an tiny image of a slide:

[1]Haec narrantur a poetis de Perseo. Perseus filius erat
Iovis, maximi deorum. Avus eius Acrisius appellabatur.
Acrisius volebat Perseum, nepotem suum, necare; nam
propter oraculum puerum timebat. Comprehendit igitur

[2]Acrisius volebat Perseum, nepotem suum, necare; nam
propter oraculum puerum timebat. Comprehendit igitur
Perseum,isius volebat Perseum, nepotem suum, necare; nam
propter oraculum puerum timebat. Comprehendit igitur

I know I've seen it done like this!
-----Original Message-----
Try using File--> Send to--> Word, 3 slides per page, with notes next to
them. Use the link option, then break the links when you are in Word (use
Edit--> Links to get rid of the links). This should give you what you are
describing. (Why link, then break the links? Because without doing the link,
the Word file ends up gigantic. When you do the link/break link thing, they
only end up big.)

You will end up with a three column table. First column is slide number,
second is a miniature slide, third is the notes for the slide.

If you haven't moved the Word document content to PPT yet: Do the same
process, but after you break the links, copy the Word document chunks in the
third column of the Word table.

Try it and let us know if it does what you want.
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Get PowerPoint answers at
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Get OneNote answers at

If this helped you, please take the time to rate the value of this post:

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Hi - I've written a speech for my boss in Word with a
corresponding Powerpoint presentation. I've seen before a
speech printout [looks like a Word doc] with a
little "next slide" icon in the margins which prompts the
speaker to change slides. Am I dreaming - can't see how
to generate such a print out in either Word or
Powerpoint. Printing the Notes view makes for a lot of
pages and too much flicking over.

Your thoughts?


Kathy J

Okay, I've thought on this and have an idea for you to try. Start from the
file that was sent to Word.

First, delete the column that contains the slide number. Next, the slide
picture column until it only is the size of the picture. Next, convert the
table to text, with cells separated by returns. Finally, (if you want the
content shrunk even further), select each picture and change its size to 22%
of original. This will allow you to shrink the column size even further.

The re-size of the graphics can't be done all at once. You will either need
to do them one at a time or build a Word macro to do the resize.

If anyone else has ideas, I'm open to hearing them....
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
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If this helped you, please take the time to rate the value of this post:

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Tracey said:
Thanks Kathy - this is okay but still not great as it
still makes for lots of pages. Is there any way to do it
so in the process the notes underneath [the slides are
images not words] become blocks of text prefaced by a
little icon indicating the slide number? Can't do
graphics in this message but something like this, with
the number an tiny image of a slide:

[1]Haec narrantur a poetis de Perseo. Perseus filius erat
Iovis, maximi deorum. Avus eius Acrisius appellabatur.
Acrisius volebat Perseum, nepotem suum, necare; nam
propter oraculum puerum timebat. Comprehendit igitur

[2]Acrisius volebat Perseum, nepotem suum, necare; nam
propter oraculum puerum timebat. Comprehendit igitur
Perseum,isius volebat Perseum, nepotem suum, necare; nam
propter oraculum puerum timebat. Comprehendit igitur

I know I've seen it done like this!
-----Original Message-----
Try using File--> Send to--> Word, 3 slides per page, with notes next to
them. Use the link option, then break the links when you are in Word (use
Edit--> Links to get rid of the links). This should give you what you are
describing. (Why link, then break the links? Because without doing the link,
the Word file ends up gigantic. When you do the link/break link thing, they
only end up big.)

You will end up with a three column table. First column is slide number,
second is a miniature slide, third is the notes for the slide.

If you haven't moved the Word document content to PPT yet: Do the same
process, but after you break the links, copy the Word document chunks in the
third column of the Word table.

Try it and let us know if it does what you want.
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Get PowerPoint answers at
Cook anything outdoors with
Get OneNote answers at

If this helped you, please take the time to rate the value of this post:

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Hi - I've written a speech for my boss in Word with a
corresponding Powerpoint presentation. I've seen before a
speech printout [looks like a Word doc] with a
little "next slide" icon in the margins which prompts the
speaker to change slides. Am I dreaming - can't see how
to generate such a print out in either Word or
Powerpoint. Printing the Notes view makes for a lot of
pages and too much flicking over.

Your thoughts?


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