Printer icon not showing in system tray!?



Using XP Pro Sp2
my PC for some reason does not display the Printer icon in the system tray,
when documents are sent to it, or any other printer for that matter..

Any idea what could cause that?

Inactive icons are not set to hidden.


Stan Brown

Using XP Pro Sp2
my PC for some reason does not display the Printer icon in the system tray,
when documents are sent to it, or any other printer for that matter..

Any idea what could cause that?

Inactive icons are not set to hidden.

1. Have you tried actually clicking on the chevron to unhide hidden
icons temporarily? (I know you said they're not set to hidden, but
IME the settings aren't always honored.)

2. If you print only short documents, it's quite possible the whole
document would go to the printer to quickly for the icon to appear.

3. Open up the printer in Settings -> Printers and Fax, then select
Properties -> Advanced. Have you perhaps changed some of these
recently, such a "Print directly to printer"?


A big Thank You to both Tim Toolman & Stan Brown for your kind replies.
Who cares? -> User does.. I don't as long as it prints
If the printer is
getting data fast and has its own memory, the printer icon would be on and
off so fast you might not see it. - > agreed but back to #1 above
I have a shortcut to the printer on the desktop -> thanks for the tip
I'll pass it on
Have you tried actually clicking on the chevron -> yes I have
2. If you print only short documents -> same point as Tim so we all agree
on that - but back to #1 above...
Open up the printer in Settings -> yes I did check and this user has no
rights to change anything with...
Indecision is the key to flexibility. -> I'll borrow that if I may :)

Thanks again Gents - joseph

Stan Brown

A big Thank You to both Tim Toolman & Stan Brown for your kind replies.

I'm glad we helped. It might be nice to share with us all what the
problem was and how you fixed it, so that we'll know when a similar
question is asked in the future. :)

Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
"What in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca?"
"My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters."
"The waters? What waters? We're in the desert."
"I was misinformed."

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