PowerToys for Vista



Can we have some power toys as a matter of urgency?

For a start Image Resizer.

It's starting to hurt my brain doing stuff with thinking rather than two
or three clicks.

A day without Image Resizer seems far too long? :(


Image Resizer is a right click > context menu thing.

I was disappointed that PixView didn't work (and PixView won't commit to
a beta OS if I understand their reply well)

I think i am trying to say: i have not tried yet ...

A major upload is running at the moment so i may have a try later - like


Only powertoy I can get to run is Synctoy. Better than Backup as the files
aren't compressed and hidden. It needs .Net 1.1 installed to run.


Mario said:
If you have to try it tomorrer, why is it so urgent?
I have a 32 bit version of Vista on one platter and am in the process of
slowly (as in very slowly) porting stuff over as and when. Some stuff
is covered by a single user EULA and I'd like to take things a step at a

Image Resizer is very sweet with a workflow that is just fine for me.

I'd rather right click and do than fire up an image editor for a trivial job


Can you give some details on how you were able install sync toy seeing that
..Net 2.0 is already installed on VISTA?

Colin Barnhorst

Net 1.1 and Net 2.0 coexist on the same system.

Debi said:
Can you give some details on how you were able install sync toy seeing
.Net 2.0 is already installed on VISTA?

Dave Cox

Hi everyone

I got a imageresizer for windows vista. It works on vista 32 and is
written in .net frameworks so should also work in 64. It cost me to
hire a programmer to write it for me. If interested i am willing to
send you a copy of it for 5$. I will soon make available on the net.

let me know if you are interested.

Send me $4.00 and I'll tell you how you can do it for free in Vista

Want to waste your breath?

Join my Plonk club and hang out with other memebers like:

Adam Albright
Doris Day


I'm not taking about any tool, I'm indicating that your post is SPAM.
Soliciting the sales of software on this newsgroup is not appropriate.


Rock said:
I'm not taking about any tool, I'm indicating that your post is SPAM.
Soliciting the sales of software on this newsgroup is not appropriate.
Sure it is. People are solicited to purchase vista all the time. ;)


If it don't spin, then you haven't re-invented the wheel.

- Vusta

: ok i got your point. so here is my question:
: Are there people that be willing to help me with testing the program?
: --
: devbro

Steve Thackery

Sure it is. People are solicited to purchase vista all the time. ;)

Not on this newsgroup, they aren't!


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