PowerPoint PowerPoint VBA to Change Theme Color

May 22, 2012
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Dear All

I have some experience in programming Excel VBA and now am trying to work with PPT. Unfortunately no Macro recorder is available, and I'm no programmer.. :cry:

Here's my most urgent question:

How can I use VBA to change the Color Theme of the entire Presentation?
In Excel I can use a code like this (example):

    ActiveWorkbook.Theme.ThemeColorScheme.Load ( _
        "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Document Themes 14\Theme Colors\Civic.xml")

But what would the code for PowerPoint be? I can't just replace ActiveWorkbook with ActivePresentation...
Need help, and can't use a workaround (Slide Master, etc..)

Would be very grateful for any advice!
May 9, 2012
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This might help

You can use the assign a new color to a the palette at a particular index position by simple specifying the index number and then using the .Colors function to assign a new RGB value to it. The R, G and B signify the red, green and blue hues that make up the color.

Sub change_palette_color
dim color_index aslong
color_index = 10
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(color_index) = RGB(128, 128, 128)

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