Poor audio quality using music track with WMM 2.1

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I'm an absolute beginner at video. I'm trying to make a decent movie from DV
footage (Canon Optura 50) and WMM 2.1 My first movie has an audio track made
of a music song encoded in mp3 (192 kbps) and no footage sound (silenced).
The outcome is saved in AVI-DV in order tu later burn a DVD. While the video
is great, sound is of poor quality and noticeably distorted (sort of poor
dinamics and reverberation). However, if I play the project in WMM sounds
great! I play the movie and the songtrack with WMP. Seems to me that there is
an audio encoding problem within WMM.

Could yo help me? Thank for your support and patience.

Best regards.
Thanks, Graham, for your ansxer.

I did try wav and wma versions of the same soundtrack; the outcome is the
same. I also tried different, more compressed clip outputs, all yielding
worse video output (as expected) but far more better audio quality. The only
clip format that exhibits such poor audio quality is DV-AVI (PAL). I'm
running WXP home SP2, spanish version. My codec listing is as follows:

MIcrosft ADPCM
MIcrosoft CCITT.G711
MIcrosoft GSM 6.10
DSP Group Truespeech
Windows Media Audio
Spiro Lab Telecom
Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3
Indeo audio software
Conversor PCM de Microsoft

I'm really puzzled about this. Searching this forum and other Internet video
resources, I haven't found anything like this.

Best Regards.
Amando Hernádnez

Graham Hughes said:
MM doesn't like mp3's, use a wma/wmv/wav instead, should then work.

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
In order to show what the problem looks like, I have made an example clip
(just a few seconds) and saved in two different formats: compressed wmv and
AVI-DV. You can have a look at:


The first one has the soundtrack right. The second one (just a few seconds
due to server space constraints) has a defective soundtrack. Please, use
headphones yo appreciate sound differences.

The sound comes from a wma ripped from the original CD.

Thanks for trying to help. Best regards.
Amando Hernádnez

amando said:
Thanks, Graham, for your ansxer.

I did try wav and wma versions of the same soundtrack; the outcome is the
same. I also tried different, more compressed clip outputs, all yielding
worse video output (as expected) but far more better audio quality. The only
clip format that exhibits such poor audio quality is DV-AVI (PAL). I'm
running WXP home SP2, spanish version. My codec listing is as follows:

MIcrosft ADPCM
MIcrosoft CCITT.G711
MIcrosoft GSM 6.10
DSP Group Truespeech
Windows Media Audio
Spiro Lab Telecom
Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3
Indeo audio software
Conversor PCM de Microsoft

I'm really puzzled about this. Searching this forum and other Internet video
resources, I haven't found anything like this.

Best Regards.
Thanks, Graham, for your answer.

Well, I don't think so (of course, one is never sure of that). My PC is CPU
idle before generating the clip. It has 1 GB memory, P4 3GHz HT processor and
defragmented SATA disk. That the outcome is consistent (same audio quality
all over the clip and on several clips) makes me belive that the problem lies
on software rather than hw resources.

Best regards.
Graham, I've visite your web page My Video Problems. Good content, clearly
laid out. Congrats!

Best regards