Please Help..Regarding User accounts and applications failing to open...




The fact is, I'm in trouble. It all started out with Internet Explorer.
One day it just stopped working. I never used it much anywayz...just for
the direct link to Hotmail from MSN messenger. The browser would start
to process the site I entered, and then, suddenly, the process bar at
the bottom would disappear and in its place there would be black and
white sort of bars vibrating, and then the browser would close.

I went to a forum, and as per their suggestion, tried to change to a
different user to see if the problem only was with one user (mine). But
the user account wouldn't open.

I also have Encarta copied onto my Hard Drive, and until a few months
ago, it was working perfectly. Recently, when I opened it, it opened,
and in a second, closed again.

I wonder if all are related. I read the mshta.exe thing on this site,
but I have a 24KB mshta.exe file in my System32 Folder already, so that
seems in order. However, there is another file called which is a PF file in the Prefetch folder in
Windows; does that have any relation?

When I search for mshta.exe in C: , it isnt located. Unless I
specifically type C:\Windows\System32 in the destination, it dosent
locate it. And I can't find the dllcache folder in System32, no matter
manually or with search.

I'm really at a loss here. I don't know what to do. I've even tried the
SFC /Scannow thing, spyware, spybot, and Kaspersky AntiVirus Scans, but
nothing turned up. I hope someone will be able to help me.



Sounds like your missing some essential files. Did you already try a repair?
Boot from Windows XP CD. Do NOT choose the first repair option. Select new
install. When prompted choose for repair. This will take about 45 minutes,
but you don't have to install all your apps again.


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