Please Help!! NOT IsNull in Conditional Formatting



I am sorry to have to post again. But I have not had any luck with
Conditional Formatting. I have tried: If isnull([Date field 1]) and [Date
field 1] Is Null, "", Not Null, etc.

I have two date fields. Date 1 and Date 2. I have a condition set for date
1 to read - field Value is Less than Date(). Font is red meaning it is
overdue. When Date 2 is entered (date when received), I want Date 1 to be
greyed. Meaning if there is no Date in Date 2 then Date 1 should be red. If
a date is entered in Date 2 then Date 1 date should be greyed. I feel that
this should be feasible and probably easy to do but I can't get it to work.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


You may want to use Nz([DateField1],0) to detect NULL I find it works much

this causes the field DateField1 to be set to 0 and then do your IF THEN
statement based on if the field is ZERO or not zero... I believe this should
suit your need and work for you.



Hi Thank you for responding. Can you please tell me how to write the IF then

Hansford cornett said:
You may want to use Nz([DateField1],0) to detect NULL I find it works much

this causes the field DateField1 to be set to 0 and then do your IF THEN
statement based on if the field is ZERO or not zero... I believe this should
suit your need and work for you.


Hansford D. Cornett

TotallyConfused said:
I am sorry to have to post again. But I have not had any luck with
Conditional Formatting. I have tried: If isnull([Date field 1]) and [Date
field 1] Is Null, "", Not Null, etc.

I have two date fields. Date 1 and Date 2. I have a condition set for date
1 to read - field Value is Less than Date(). Font is red meaning it is
overdue. When Date 2 is entered (date when received), I want Date 1 to be
greyed. Meaning if there is no Date in Date 2 then Date 1 should be red. If
a date is entered in Date 2 then Date 1 date should be greyed. I feel that
this should be feasible and probably easy to do but I can't get it to work.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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