[PL] PL2006 proposed timetable and rules

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
  • Start date Start date

Susan Bugher

ACK!. . . time keeps marching on. . . We need to discuss and agree on the schedule and rules for
selecting the 2006 Pricelessware list. Below are the proposed timetable and "da rules".

Proposed changes include a requirement to submit program descriptions for *ALL* candidate programs -
including Pricelessware 2005 apps. That's to ensure that *ALL* program descriptions are up to date
when we vote on PL2006 selections (no unpleasant surprises later). It also helps spread the work
around. Does anyone suspect that sharing the PL work load is one of *MY* primary goals? ;)

I've allowed one month for program submittals (verifying and entering descriptions is a time
consuming task). This is also the time to discuss and revise categories and subcategories and raise
"ware" objections - if any (discussions can continue through the nominations and discussion period).
In effect this time period is the nominating period - but "official" nominations (and seconds) are
done later from a single list. That makes it much easier to track the nominations/seconds.

I've allowed 2 weeks for nominations, seconds and program discussion. Candidate programs will be
listed in the first post in the nominations thread. Nominations/seconds will be made from that list
(there is a provision for late nominations).

In previous years we've had [PL] program discussion threads for each of the 12 Categories
(BUSINESS-HOME, DESKTOP etc.). This year I suggest we omit them. ISTM debates about the merits of
competing programs are easier to follow if they are posted as separate threads.

Comments? Suggested revisions?

I'll upload the web page with the proposed schedule and rules "real soon now". . . :)



Timetable for the 2006 vote.

September 15 -October 14, 2005 - Candidate program description submittals. Category and ware discussion.
October 15 - October 31, 2005 - Program nominations, seconds and program discussion.
November 1 - November 7, 2005 Voting period
November 8, 2005 - Vote Results Posted
November 9, 2005 - Preliminary Pricelessware List Posted
November 9 - November 15, 2005 - Final Selection Discussion
November 16, 2005 - Final Pricelessware List Posted

Criteria for Selection

The program should be one of the best Freeware programs available. The Pricelessware List is a
compilation of the favorite Freeware programs of the readers of alt.comp.freeware. The goals of the
Pricelessware List do NOT include selecting programs to fit every subcategory. The programs picked
are not meant to be an exhaustive list of the best available Freeware, but rather an answer to the
often asked "which _____ is best?"

Eligibility for Nomination

Games are not eligible for the Pricelessware List.

Webware (online software) is not eligible for the Pricelessware List.

The software must be available for download.

Programs must have acceptable ware descriptions to be eligible for nomination.
See the Ware Glossary for definitions of ware types.

The following ware types are acceptable for nomination:

Abandonware (non-Warez Abandonware is acceptable)
Orphanware (non-Warez Orphanware is acceptable)

The following ware types are not acceptable for nomination:

Abandonware (Warez Abandonware is not acceptable)
Commercial Software
Orphanware (Warez Orphanware is not acceptable)

The glossary's ware descriptions don't cover all situations. In special cases programs may be placed
on a Ware Ballot to determine if the program's ware description is acceptable to newsgroup
participants. The Ware ballot is used only to determine elegibility.. A two-thirds majority in favor
of acceptance is required for a program to be eligibile for the Pricelessware List. Voting on
Pricelessware and Ware Ballots is done in the same time period.

Program Description Submittals

Program descriptions must be posted for ALL candidate programs. Verify and update Pricelessware 2005
descriptions before posting them. Comments and questions relating to program categories and
subcategories and issues regarding ware status should be posted during this period..

Programs descriptions should include the information shown in the Notes on preparing program

Last minute nominations are permitted during the nominations period. A separate thread will be used
to submit program descriptions during the nominations period. Program descriptions must be verified
before a program can be nominated.

Nomination Procedure

Programs that are eligible for nomination will be listed in the first post in the Pricelessware
Nominations thread. When programs descriptions are submitted after the start of nominations
verification of eligibility for nomination will be posted in the nominations thread. Nominations of
ineligible programs will not be recognized.

Nominations are made by posting the names of the programs you wish to nominate/second.

Voting Procedure

A program must be nominated and seconded to be placed on the ballot. These programs will be listed
in the first post in the Pricelessware Voting thread.

Ballots are cast by posting the names of the programs you wish to vote for. Multiple ballots are
permitted. If you wish to vote for additional programs after your first vote is cast you may cast
another ballot with the names of your additional choices.

You may not withdraw a vote once it has been cast. Write in votes will not be recognized.

Preliminary Selection procedure

Ware ballots are counted first. Programs that lose on this ballot are removed from further

Votes are the primary consideration in the Pricelessware selection process.. Programs that received
the most votes are selected first. A limited number of programs are selected for a category. A
"minimum" vote count is chosen to avoid "overfilling" categories (more than 3-4 selections). All
programs that received this "minimum" number of votes are selected.

Secondary consideration is given to subcategories. Pricelessware selections are made in unfilled
subcategories to broaden the range of programs. Only one selection is made in a subcategory. Tie
votes will be discussed in the final selection thread. When several unfilled subcategories have
similar programs one program is selected and the other subcategories are eliminated.. A second
"minimum" is chosen to minimize the disparity in vote count between selections in the high vote
subcategories and these selections in the less popular subcategories. Subcategories are eliminated
when they do not have any programs that received the required minimum number of votes.

Final Selection Procedure

This is the "juried" part of the Pricelessware selection process. The group as a whole has more
expertise than one person.

After the preliminary Pricelessware List selections are made the list is presented to acf
participants for review. The final Pricelessware List is determined by this discussion.

If you feel that a program of exceptional merit has been overlooked post a request for inclusion.
If you feel that a program is not a good choice for the Pricelessware List post your objections.

Removal Procedures

Programs are removed from the Pricelessware List. if they do not meet the eligibility requirements.
If it is learned that the program's ware type is ineligible or it becomes ineligible the program is
removed from the Pricelessware List.. If a program becomes shareware and a "last Freeware version"
is not available for download the program is removed from the Pricelessware List. If a program is
not available for download the program is removed from the Pricelessware List.

Notes on preparing program descriptions.

Copy the fields below and add the program's description. The numbered fields are listed in the order
they occur in the Pricelessware program descriptions. A made up example of a program description is
shown below. Refer to the Pricelessware pages for other examples. List all ware types that apply.
Note licensing information (open source etc.) and restrictions (free for personal use) . If a field
does not apply note that information (n/a). If a program has both ZIP and EXE versions include both.
If a program has many versions (such as XnView) include 1-3 versions. If possible give the URL for a
download page (rather than a download link). Many sites offer multiple download locations.and/or
add-ons for the programs (language packs, plugins etc.). If you have questions about what to include
or need help finding the information post your questions in the newsgroup.


03 (OS-WIN)
07a (NOTES)
08a (AUTHOR)
10 (LINK 1)
12 (LINK 2)
14 (LINK 1)

Example Description


Office Suite

xxxxx [AT] yyyyyy [DOT] zzz

XYZ Office

(Freeware) (open source: GNU GPL) (Free for personal non-commerical use.)

03 (OS-WIN)
Windows OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP

NOTES: A no install version is available. An older version is available for Windows 95/NT4

Other OS: Mac OS X; Mac OS 8/9.

Languages: English, German, French, Dutch

Description: XYZ Office is etc. etc.

07a (NOTES)
NOTES: If you have problems with version 10000.5 etc. etc.

08 (COMPANY) Company:
XYZ Corporation

08a (AUTHOR)
Author: John Smith

Home Page:

10 (LINK 1)

download page: v 10000.263 (2005-05-25) (English) (XYZsetup.exe) (10000 KB), (XYZno-setup.zip) (9999 KB)

12 (LINK 2)

alternate download page: v 10000.263 (2005-05-25) (English) (XYZsetup.exe) (10000 KB),
(XYZno-setup.zip) (9999 KB)

14 (LINK 3)


Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF: http://www.pricelesswarehome.org
Pricelessware: http://www.pricelessware.org (not maintained)
ACK!. . . time keeps marching on. . . We need to discuss and agree on
the schedule and rules for selecting the 2006 Pricelessware list. Below
are the proposed timetable and "da rules".

Proposed changes include a requirement to submit program descriptions
for *ALL* candidate programs - including Pricelessware 2005 apps. That's
to ensure that *ALL* program descriptions are up to date when we vote on
PL2006 selections (no unpleasant surprises later). It also helps spread
the work around. Does anyone suspect that sharing the PL work load is
one of *MY* primary goals? ;)

I've allowed one month for program submittals (verifying and entering
descriptions is a time consuming task). This is also the time to discuss
and revise categories and subcategories and raise "ware" objections - if
any (discussions can continue through the nominations and discussion
period). In effect this time period is the nominating period - but
"official" nominations (and seconds) are done later from a single list.
That makes it much easier to track the nominations/seconds.

I've allowed 2 weeks for nominations, seconds and program discussion.
Candidate programs will be listed in the first post in the nominations
thread. Nominations/seconds will be made from that list (there is a
provision for late nominations).

In previous years we've had [PL] program discussion threads for each of
the 12 Categories (BUSINESS-HOME, DESKTOP etc.). This year I suggest we
omit them. ISTM debates about the merits of competing programs are
easier to follow if they are posted as separate threads.

Comments? Suggested revisions?

I'll upload the web page with the proposed schedule and rules "real soon
now". . . :)

The web page is here:



Timetable for the 2006 vote.

September 15 -October 14, 2005 - Candidate program description
submittals. Category and ware discussion.
October 15 - October 31, 2005 - Program nominations, seconds and program
November 1 - November 7, 2005 Voting period
November 8, 2005 - Vote Results Posted
November 9, 2005 - Preliminary Pricelessware List Posted
November 9 - November 15, 2005 - Final Selection Discussion
November 16, 2005 - Final Pricelessware List Posted

Criteria for Selection

<SNIPPED TO SAVE BANDWIDTH> (See the web page)

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF: http://www.pricelesswarehome.org
Pricelessware: http://www.pricelessware.org (not maintained)
REM said:
On Tue, 06 Sep 2005 09:37:12 -0400, Susan Bugher

Sounds great to me Susan. Does anyone have any objections to the
proposed 2006 schedule?

If not, let's go with it!

Yup. My post was not worded very well. . . If someone proposes a revision we'll discuss it -
otherwise we'll proceed ahead on.

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF: http://www.pricelesswarehome.org
Pricelessware: http://www.pricelessware.org (not maintained)