Pinnacle 9 crashes



I recently installed pinnacle 9 Plus and is works great until i have about 23
minutes of video in the time line, then the program shuts down. I have a new
Dell 8400, 3.4G processor, 1G RM, 310G harddrive. I have increased my page
file size but it still crashes. The Pinnacle web site had no similar problems
and my query to their email support only resulted in a list of articles that
were close to my problem. I have reinstalled the software but the result is
the same.

Any ideas????


Hey Mike,

you probably have a corrupted stream of data in the video clip at that 22
min. point. Try cuttting out a couple of seconds out of the clip at your
"crash point" and see what happens.


George S. Ellis

Adding to TG's response, make sure you have the lastest video and audio

Increasing the Page File Size past 1.5GB is not going to help. Moving to a
second drive (with some still on C:) might, but video and audio first.

The Pinnacle forum really is the best place, it just may take a few moments
to get it.


TG & George

Thanks for the tips

I tested the program with different clip which I tested by putting them
individually in the time line and playing them and they worked. However when
they were in the time line togeather the program crashed at about the same

I checked my drivers and they are all up to date.

It just seems like it is running out of memory or the project is too large
for the program but at 23 minutes it can't be too big. It is more like XP
doesn't like something that is happening and shuts the program down but it
does not give an error message except the one where it wants to send the info
to Microsoft. The processor never goes above 40% useage and there is plenty
of RAM and virtual memory so I am at a loss.

Any more thoughts would be welcomed.

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

At 23 minutes you should just be passing the 4gb file size (60 minutes is
approximately 12gb in a DV-AVI format).

Is your drive formatted in FAT32 or NTFS?


Hi Cari

It is formated in NTFS. Would this make a differance? If so do I have to
have the a hard drive in FAT32?

George S. Ellis

No, keep it NTFS. I have run Studio in 384MB of memory, so it is not memory
unless you have bad memory. BUT that would not always act the same way.
Really, try the Pinnacle forum as there are guys who do this all day long
there. Try Pinnacle support again. The guys in CT are pretty good at
figuring this out. Use the e-mail support. It takes a day to get a dialog
going, but it usually solves all of the issues.



I have an open question with the Pinnacle support people but other than
reinstall the software they don't have much to offer. Interestingly i can add
the same clip as many times as i want but if I add a similar amount of
different clips i seem to reach a limit and it crashes. It seems to be a
counter or memory location that fills up and shuts the program down. After
reinstalling the software about 1 in 4 times I get an error saying I am out
of memory. I am running 1G ram and max 50G virtual so I don't understand
that. It's as if either XP or studio does not recognize the virtual.

George S. Ellis

GET RID OF THE 50GB page file. 1.5GB! Quit trying to solve this with a big
page file. It is pointless and not your problem.

Have you run CHKDSK C: /R and restarted (and done something else for

It is NOT memory.

George Ellis

Adding... The reason Pinnacle keeps telling you to reload is that memory
errors usually come from bad drivers or corrupted files. Did you uninstall
before installing?

Just because you receive an error that you are out of memory does not mean
you are. What else are you running? Have you messed with any of the
priorities of applications on your system?

Generally, Out of Memory errors are bugs in the application verifying that
memory was granted (including corrupted files), an incorrect error message,
or the system was too busy to respond because that application has been set
to a higher thread priority for the system to respond in a timely matter
(such as listing it as Critical).

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