


erwhen i select the pictures i want to burn to a cd i hold on ctrl and click
my mouse what happens next is frustrating my pictures begin to copy
themselves over and over and a copying icon showes in the upper left screen
why cant i just select the pictures i want without all of this

John Inzer


Maybe the following info will help:

It happens occasionally to most anyone who
is trying to multiple select by holding the Ctrl
or Shift key while left clicking to select the
image files.

The copies are created when you fail to
completely release the mouse button before
you move the pointer to another file. If a group
of selected files is dragged...even the slightest
bit...the next mouse click will produce copies
of all the previously highlighted files.

It's somewhat easier if you have your Folder
Options set to Single Click...this way you can
select/deselect a file with just a mouse over
and you don't have to click. For multiples you
still have to hold...Ctrl or Shift.

No copy...maybe that's
your solution. To adjust for single click...
Open a folder and go to...Tools / Folder
Options / General tab...tick..."Single Click
To Open An Item" / Apply / OK.


How to search for and delete unwanted "copies"
of your image files.

Open the folder that the images are saved in and
left click the "Search" button on your toolbar.

(If you are viewing the files from within an editing
program and do not know where the folder is...right
click one of the image files and from the menu...
choose...Properties. The path to the folder will be
on the "General" tab at "Location".)

In the search"All files and folders"

In the "All or part of the file name" field...enter...


Now...left click the "Search" button.

When the search is complete...go to...Edit / Select All...

Then go to...File / Delete.

You will see a dialog box asking you if you are sure
you wish to delete the Yes.

Now...left click the "Back" button on your toolbar.

Now the remaining files should be your originals.

If you deleted the wrong files...recover them from
your recycle bin now.


thanks a million it worked,im teaching myself as i go with this computer
stuff ive been up many nights trying to figure this out hopefully i can get
ahold of you in the future thanks

Gord Dibben


You may be CTRL + dragging instead of a definite CTRL + Click.

Make sure you take you finger off the button before clicking on the next file.

For more on this have a look at this google search thread.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Gord Dibben


You may be CTRL + dragging instead of a definite CTRL + Click.

Make sure you take you finger off the button before clicking on the next file.

For more on this have a look at this google search thread.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

John Inzer

You're welcome.

There are quite a few regular contributors
in this newsgroup. If you have further questions....
I suspect that someone will have an answer
for you.


Reading these posts solves an ongoing problem I have run into the last couple
of years. Thanks!

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