


Why does Windows Mail keep telling me "one or more of the pictures in this
message could not be found" I have no pictures in the message so I am
confused as to why I keep getting this question pop up.

Help would be apreciated,



Gary VanderMolen

Are you creating a new message from scratch, or are you forwarding
or replying to a received message? The latter may have embedded
picture links.

Gary VanderMolen


It's a reply, it's to a Yahoo group I belong to I think you are probably
right, I did wonder if that was the problem. I'm new to Vista and didn't
know if this was a hiccup or just as you said and embedded picture link.

Thank you for you input




Does anybody knows why one day my computer flies and another nothing works
and it soooooo slow...? Also, my e mail works one day and withou me touching
any part of the specs the next day I can't receive or
send....frustrating....! (and ...why so many AOL's functions...!!!
Please help!

Gary VanderMolen

Which antivirus are you running?

When your mail doesn't work do you get an error message?

I don't understand your reference to "AOL's functions."

Gary VanderMolen

Terry V

Someone sent me an email at work with pictures attached. I sent the email to
my home address so i could forward them on. When I tried to forward them in
an email . I get that message that the pictures wont be displayed. I followed
Gary's advice and went to tools, options & unclicked the 2 boxes he said to
do. I then sent the email with the pictures although I still got that message
about "images wont be displayed." So then I went to my sent file just to
see if the email was sent, which it was so I opened up the email and guess
what?? I couldnt open the pictures, the error message said photo gallery
couldnt display the pictures or video and that the file appeared to damaged
or corrupt???? UGH

Gary VanderMolen

When you sent that email from work to home, which email program
did you use? Many office computers use Outlook, which has a
proprietary RTF format. Make sure your office computer sends in
standard HTML format.


try setting your ISO to UTF-7 or UTF-8
rather than western europiean Iso

I have no problems but once in a wile I get the same error message,
and I have to make the picture into stationary, or convert it to Jpeg, since
other formats are to large( Kb wise)
bitmap formats are larger than JPEG s, and tend to bog down your ISP
and other stuff.
I also, am new to Vista since Jan. 2008.
Hope this helps,


I cannot send most of my mail on, due to this problem. WHAT DOES ONE DO TO
SEND THESE ON?!?!?!?!?! Mine won't even go when I copy and paste to send.


Gary VanderMolen said:
Are you creating a new message from scratch, or are you forwarding
or replying to a received message? The latter may have embedded
picture links.

Gary VanderMolen


I am using window vista and am also fairly new to it. When I try to copy and
paste a picture to forward it, it will show the picture in the mail that I am
about to forward but when I am ready to send and hit send it tells me that it
cannot find the picture. You used to be able to copy and paste in outlook
express I believe. I have also disabled the security that will let me down
load the picture. Is this just something that you cannot do with winows mail?

Gary VanderMolen

Windows Mail cannot attach a file that is open in another program.

Also, Windows Mail does not allow pasting of images, so you would
have to use the Insert or Attach commands.
If you upgrade to Windows Live Mail, it allows pasting of pictures,
and it has no problem with attaching files that are open:


How come when i send pictures from my phone to my email as a text, after a
few days or so they are automatically deleted? Is there anywhere i can go to
find all of these automatically deleted texts? Thanks for your help


Ganlo said:
How come when i send pictures from my phone to my email as a text, after a
few days or so they are automatically deleted? Is there anywhere i can go
find all of these automatically deleted texts? Thanks for your help

Did you look under the bed?

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