Pictures Not Appearing on Internet Sites/Emails


Tom C

The pictures denoted by a small red "x" in a square box do
not change to the picture on web sites and e-mails. All
related text adjacent to the boxes does appear. I am
running Windows 98 and Internet Explorer version 6.0.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP


Ramesh [MVP]

First, make sure if the "Show Pictures" option is turned on in Advanced tab
of Internet Options.
If it is already on, refer this MSKB article:

Pictures Are Not Displayed on Web Sites in Internet Explorer

This problem is also seen in computers where Norton Internet Security
Ad-blocks is turned on.

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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The pictures denoted by a small red "x" in a square box do
not change to the picture on web sites and e-mails. All
related text adjacent to the boxes does appear. I am
running Windows 98 and Internet Explorer version 6.0.

Tom S

I've experienced the same problem with Windows 98 and IE
version 6.0. I have to manually select
View\Encoding\Windows European (Windows). When the page
refreshes the pictures load properly but I can't get IE to
keep this setting. I have to manually set as above for
each new page.


I am having the same problem and have referred to article
283807. Despite making sure my security levels are as
recommended, etc, the problem viewing images on sites
encoded with Western European (ISO) persists. Any other

H Leboeuf

Read this article. You may be missing some .nls files or your registry
setting is wrong.

Pictures Are Not Displayed on Web Sites in Internet Explorer
A Web page may display an image as a red X, or a placeholder may appear in
place of the image.
Covers also this problem: Web page that is encoded for the Western European
(ISO) code page might not display any images:

You may try to repair IE that on occation works.
Add/Remove programs/MS/IE repair....

Henri Leboeuf
Web page:


Change encoding to autoselect. Might work
-----Original Message-----
I've experienced the same problem with Windows 98 and IE
version 6.0. I have to manually select
View\Encoding\Windows European (Windows). When the page
refreshes the pictures load properly but I can't get IE to
keep this setting. I have to manually set as above for
each new page.


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