Pics in WMM stop, audio keeps going ??? Help!



I have copied a movie 10 times on 10 different CD-R's (even tried CD-RW)-
each one plays for awhile (pics and audio) but then pictures freeze on
different pictures on each disk but the audio keeps playing. The movie is 14
min. long, freezes around 11 minutes. Anyone have any idea what is wrong -
other than this program is turning me gray!!!!!

John Inzer

blt22 said:
I have copied a movie 10 times on 10 different CD-R's (even tried
CD-RW)- each one plays for awhile (pics and audio) but then pictures
freeze on different pictures on each disk but the audio keeps
playing. The movie is 14 min. long, freezes around 11 minutes. Anyone
have any idea what is wrong - other than this program is turning me
Just wondering...

Did you save the movie as .wmv or .avi?

What program did you use to burn the CD?

What speed did you use to burn the CD?

Did you create a VCD or a simple Data disk?


******John Inzer********
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When I finished the movie, I used the option in WMM "save to CD" - I assume
it saved as a wmv (I didn't see where I had a choice). Being new to this, I
also didn't choose a speed (where do you do that?). Last question...VCD or
simple data disk - ???
As I said, when I was finally able to save the movie to a CD (which, by the
way, took me many tries to even get this part of the program to work!), I
re-inserted the disk and it came up in Windows Movie Player and it did fine
until about 10 minutes into the movie, and then froze. I copied this movie
about 10 times, and 10 times it freezes on a different picture each time - it
has yet to play to the end of the movie, which is about 14 minutes long.
Thanks for your reply, John...any help you can give me would be appreciated.
My office has asked me to work on a project for the end of the year at our
ESOL classes, but at this rate, I don't think it's going to be possible!!
Look forward to your reply.

John Inzer

blt22 said:
When I finished the movie, I used the option in WMM "save to CD" - I
assume it saved as a wmv (I didn't see where I had a choice). Being
new to this, I also didn't choose a speed (where do you do that?).
Last question...VCD or simple data disk - ???
As I said, when I was finally able to save the movie to a CD (which,
by the way, took me many tries to even get this part of the program
to work!), I re-inserted the disk and it came up in Windows Movie
Player and it did fine until about 10 minutes into the movie, and
then froze. I copied this movie about 10 times, and 10 times it
freezes on a different picture each time - it has yet to play to the
end of the movie, which is about 14 minutes long. Thanks for your
reply, John...any help you can give me would be appreciated. My
office has asked me to work on a project for the end of the year at
our ESOL classes, but at this rate, I don't think it's going to be
possible!! Look forward to your reply.
The following article offers some ideas on
solving issues that arise when saving:

MM2 - Problem Solving - 'Can't Save A Movie'

Personally I do not use the save to CD option.

I save in a movie format as follows:

To save as a .wmv movie file...
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next / Next.
Wait while the movie is saved /

To save as an .avi movie file...
(and several other options)
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next /
Show More Choices /
Other Settings /
Open the drop window and choose...DV-AVI /
Next /
Wait while the movie is saved /

Once I have the movie file, I use Nero StartSmart
to burn a Data CD (this is good for archiving or
playing on the computer)...if I want a VCD which
will play in most DVD players I use InterVideo
WinDVD Creator.


******John Inzer********
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Thank you Graham and John! All of my pictures are JPEG's, so I'm going to
save them as bitmaps and see if that works. Of the 10 disks I've tried to
copy, all are stopping at different pictures so I guess I should just change
all the pictures to bitmaps and see if that works. One more question...does
this mean I have to re-create the entire video?????? I have a feeling I
already know the answer to this question!!!! Will send an update at a later
date and let you know if this works. Thanks again!

John Inzer

blt22 said:
Thank you Graham and John! All of my pictures are JPEG's, so I'm
going to save them as bitmaps and see if that works. Of the 10 disks
I've tried to copy, all are stopping at different pictures so I guess
I should just change all the pictures to bitmaps and see if that
works. One more question...does this mean I have to re-create the
entire video?????? I have a feeling I already know the answer to this
question!!!! Will send an update at a later date and let you know if
this works. Thanks again!
If you change the format of the images...
yes, you will have to re-import them and
start over.


******John Inzer********
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I was afraid you were going to say that! Thank you for your help.....As soon
as I change picture format and re-do the video, I will let you know if it
worked. Thanks again!

John Inzer

blt22 said:
I was afraid you were going to say that! Thank you for your
help.....As soon as I change picture format and re-do the video, I
will let you know if it worked. Thanks again!
Okay...please keep us updated.


******John Inzer********
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Ok, here's the update, as sad as it is.
I took all my pictures and turned them into bitmaps. Then I started from
scratch on the WMM - importing the bitmaps. Made the movie, added the audio,
plays fine in the WMM program (it's 25 min long).
I tried saving it on a CD using the WMM save to CD option. This is the error
message I got:
"WMM cannot save the movie to the specified location. Verify that the
original source files used on your movie are still available (they are), that
the saving location is still available, (it is), and that there is enough
free disk space available (there is), then try again ( I did - 3x). I'm
saving it to a CD-RW - 4x 700mb 80 min.
I even tried, as someone else suggested, doing the CTRL P thing, but when it
asked for a save location, my "D" drive was not a choice, only folders on my
hard drive.
I think my days of movie making are coming to end, and this is actually the
first movie I've tried to make! HELP - HELP - HELP!!!!!

John Inzer

blt22 said:
Ok, here's the update, as sad as it is.
I took all my pictures and turned them into bitmaps. Then I started
from scratch on the WMM - importing the bitmaps. Made the movie,
added the audio, plays fine in the WMM program (it's 25 min long).
I tried saving it on a CD using the WMM save to CD option. This is
the error message I got:
"WMM cannot save the movie to the specified location. Verify that the
original source files used on your movie are still available (they
are), that the saving location is still available, (it is), and that
there is enough free disk space available (there is), then try again
( I did - 3x). I'm saving it to a CD-RW - 4x 700mb 80 min.
I even tried, as someone else suggested, doing the CTRL P thing, but
when it asked for a save location, my "D" drive was not a choice,
only folders on my hard drive.
I think my days of movie making are coming to end, and this is
actually the first movie I've tried to make! HELP - HELP - HELP!!!!!
I guess you read the following article:

MM2 - Problem Solving - 'Can't Save A Movie'

as I previously told you, I think saving
directly to the CD is a problematic

I would suggest saving in a folder
on your hard drive. Then use the
software that came with your burner
to create the disk.

Here are the steps to save as a movie:

To save as a .wmv movie file...
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next / Next.
Wait while the movie is saved /

To save as an .avi movie file...
(and several other options)
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next /
Show More Choices /
Other Settings /
Open the drop window and choose...DV-AVI /
Next /
Wait while the movie is saved /

Once you have the completed .wmv or .avi
movie file...the following articles should help
you to create a VCD or DVD.

To play a movie on a DVD
need software that can create a VCD...
(this assumes you do not have a DVD
burner...then you might create a DVD)

First you would save your Movie Maker
project to a folder on your hard drive as
a movie... need to import the completed
..wmv or .avi movie file into a software
program that will create a VCD. Most
DVD players will play a VCD...check
the manual for your DVD player for
compatibility. A VCD is a Video Disk
created on a CD instead of a DVD.

I've had success with a program called
'InterVideo WinDVD Creator'...there are
many others...'NeroVision Express'
another example. The main thing is the
program must be able to create a VCD
from a .wmv or .avi video file.

Turn your Movie Maker 2
video into a DVD

Wojo's Web...DVD Creation

Burn a Movie Maker Project to DVD

How do I make a DVD

Windows Movie Maker Forums

Movie Maker 2 and DVD Burning Software

Burning DVDs With Windows Movie Maker 2


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I did try the ctrl P instructions, but as I said, when it asked for a save
location, the only choices I had were folders on my hard drive, not the CD
drive. When I saved it on a CD and then played it, it comes up in the WMM
program, the the "player". I didn't see anywhere that I had a choice to save
it on a CD as anything but the WMM extension.
Anyway, I did find Photo Story 3 and downloaded that last night and did a
test run with a few pictures and it seemed to do ok. I'm going to re-do the
video using the PS3 program and will again give you an update.
Bottom line: WMM out - PS3 in!!!!!
Thanks for your continuing support. I'll get back to you in a day or so with
the results.

John Inzer

blt22 said:
I did try the ctrl P instructions, but as I said, when it asked for a
save location, the only choices I had were folders on my hard drive,
not the CD drive. When I saved it on a CD and then played it, it
comes up in the WMM program, the the "player". I didn't see anywhere
that I had a choice to save it on a CD as anything but the WMM
Anyway, I did find Photo Story 3 and downloaded that last night and
did a test run with a few pictures and it seemed to do ok. I'm going
to re-do the video using the PS3 program and will again give you an
Bottom line: WMM out - PS3 in!!!!!
Thanks for your continuing support. I'll get back to you in a day or
so with the results.
Good luck...let us know what happens.


******John Inzer********
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Sorry it took so long for me to get back to everyone. I finally got the CD
finished using PS3. The program is certainly not as good as WMM, but I just
never could get the WMM to work. Tons of problems!! Anyway, the CD is done
and it's "ok". Thanks to everyone who offered help!

John Inzer

blt22 said:
Sorry it took so long for me to get back to everyone. I finally got
the CD finished using PS3. The program is certainly not as good as
WMM, but I just never could get the WMM to work. Tons of problems!!
Anyway, the CD is done and it's "ok". Thanks to everyone who offered
Success at last!

Thanks for the update.


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

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