Photo Editor


Bonnie Keithley

Cannot find a newsgroup specifically for Photo Editor, so I'll try here.

Using Windows 2000. When I open Microsoft Photo Editor, I get the following
error message: Registration/Unregistration Failed

When I click "OK," the program opens and seems to function normally. Any

Wislu Plethora

-----Original Message-----
Cannot find a newsgroup specifically for Photo Editor, so I'll try here.

Using Windows 2000. When I open Microsoft Photo Editor, I get the following
error message: Registration/Unregistration Failed

When I click "OK," the program opens and seems to function normally. Any

First thought: This is an XP newsgroup, and you're using

Second thought: A for-sure answer might be had by posting
in an Office newsgroup, as that's where Photo Editor comes

Third Thought: The phenomenon you describe may happen when
Photo Editor is copied rather than installed; when it
opens it checks the registry for information and if it's
not there, the message you describe will appear. As you
report, if you clear the message you can use the program
without problems, afaik. So either just ignore it or
delete (not uninstall) Photo Editor then install it in the
conventional way.

Bonnie Keithley

Thanks for your reply. My error in reporting the operating system. We are,
in fact, using Windows XP. We did an upgrade from Windows 2000, and that is
when the error message began appearing. Apparently the upgrade from 2000 to
XP involved losing some registry information. I most certainly did not and
would not try to install software in anything other than a completely legal
and conventional way.

Bonnie Keithley

Thanks, John. I feel confident editing my registry, but I guess it's not
really necessary to do so since the application operates correctly once I
bypass the error message.

Thanks for your assistance. --------------- Bonnie

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