Phone Modem Installation Problems


Itz Just Me

I just got a new computer and gave the old one over to my parents. It
is an 800Hz, 256 RAM, and runs plenty fast. They are totally new to
computers. I am trying to get them online. My old computer was
configured for cable modem.

The first modem I picked up was the cheapest I could find from
CompUSA. I plugged it in and when I started installing it, got the
error message that it wasn't XP compliant. After an unsuccessful
attempt to locate drivers for the item, I upgraded to a better modem
and was assured by the salesman that this one would work, a unit by
U.S. Robotics.

When I went to install the hardware, I did not get the 'new hardware'
wiarrd to come to my aid! And no modems are listed on this system in
System>Hardware>Device Manager

I notice on my new computer that when I click on the "Phone and Modem
Options" in the control panel, I get a screen asking me for my
location. I do not get the same screen on my old computer when I
access that service. I have XP Home on the old computer and XP Pro on
the new one. And I just did a clean installation of the XP Home on
the old computer before giving it away.

Do I have to "undo" anything, as in remove the cable network card, or
someone change a setting so the computer looks for my phone modem? It
does recognize the broadband card still installed.

Where did my hardware wizard go?


Itz Just Me said:
I just got a new computer and gave the old one over to my parents. It
is an 800Hz, 256 RAM, and runs plenty fast. They are totally new to
computers. I am trying to get them online. My old computer was
configured for cable modem.

The first modem I picked up was the cheapest I could find from
CompUSA. I plugged it in and when I started installing it, got the
error message that it wasn't XP compliant. After an unsuccessful
attempt to locate drivers for the item, I upgraded to a better modem
and was assured by the salesman that this one would work, a unit by
U.S. Robotics.

When I went to install the hardware, I did not get the 'new hardware'
wiarrd to come to my aid! And no modems are listed on this system in
System>Hardware>Device Manager

I notice on my new computer that when I click on the "Phone and Modem
Options" in the control panel, I get a screen asking me for my
location. I do not get the same screen on my old computer when I
access that service. I have XP Home on the old computer and XP Pro on
the new one. And I just did a clean installation of the XP Home on
the old computer before giving it away.

Do I have to "undo" anything, as in remove the cable network card, or
someone change a setting so the computer looks for my phone modem? It
does recognize the broadband card still installed.

Where did my hardware wizard go?

Try going to Control Panel-Add New hardware

Itz Just Me

I did. It didn't locate any new hardware. I tried selecting the item
(modem) from a list, too. Didn't work.


Itz Just Me said:
I did. It didn't locate any new hardware. I tried selecting the item
(modem) from a list, too. Didn't work.

try going to the "select from list" page and then click "have disk". You DO
have a CD or floppy that came with the modem?


Try this, insert the disk that came with the modem, go to "device Mgr." and
update the driver. Don't use the disk for anything else, unless you want to
install the software that came bundled with the modem. I found that it is a
good idea to read the little booklet that comes with a U.S. Robotics modem.
It worked for me!


Itz Just Me

Try this, insert the disk that came with the modem, go to "device Mgr." and
update the driver. Don't use the disk for anything else, unless you want to
install the software that came bundled with the modem. I found that it is a
good idea to read the little booklet that comes with a U.S. Robotics modem.
It worked for me!


This looks good...once I get the system to find the hardware...

David Candy

Do you have an entry for unknown device.

Internal or external modem (external don't need driver's - just a text file describing them - always buy external)

Itz Just Me

Do you have an entry for unknown device.

I will check later today. I do not have the computer here. When I
went to try and locate the hardware myself manually, I did select
Modem. This may seem a silly question, but when the cable modem
people installed their own card in the computer, did they set
something that I have to reset for the phone modem? This 'seems'
silly because I know some people do cable and phone in the same
computer, separate accounts. But it's just a thought.

David Candy

It might make a difference to which modem the computer uses for the internet once connected but won't affect detecting a modem (modems do more than just internet). If XP doesn't recognise the modem (but it will know it's installed) it goes under unknown devices. Then you have to work out if the CD has device driver install files (Update Driver) or a setup.exe (run the setup program). As 1/2 the mfg do it one way and 1/2 the other - stupid.


The cable installation shouldn't interfear with the operation of your phone
modem, that was just a matter of installing a "LAN/Ethernet" card.

Make sure the modem is inserted fully into the slot. Once the driver is
installed you should be left with only to setup your mail/news accounts. On
my U.S. Robotics installation CD the driver is not offered as a seperate
installation item. You will have to go to the device Mgr. and find the
little yellow "?" mark and select "Update Driver".


Itz Just Me

I'm not positive what combination of things I did that ultimately
worked, but I did get this hardware up and running and now have that
computer online.

Thanks for the help!


Itz Just Me said:
I just got a new computer and gave the old one over to my parents. It
is an 800Hz, 256 RAM, and runs plenty fast. They are totally new to
computers. I am trying to get them online. My old computer was
configured for cable modem.

When I went to install the hardware, I did not get the 'new hardware'
wiarrd to come to my aid! And no modems are listed on this system in
System>Hardware>Device Manager

Do I have to "undo" anything, as in remove the cable network card, or
someone change a setting so the computer looks for my phone modem? It
does recognize the broadband card still installed.

Where did my hardware wizard go?

Simple way would be to go to -- all programs -- accessories --
communications -- new connection wizard. answer a few
questions. ie: connect by a hone line, area code, ISP number to
dial, user name and password...end of story.

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