PC Restarts



I have XP service pack2 Almost every morning, for last few weeks, when I move
mouse the or hit a key, the computer starts itself . I leave it on all the
time with hibernation and suspend disabled only have monitor turn off. PC
seems to be running till I touch it, computer management doesn't show any
errors, it shows a Win defender scan then sometimes an anonomous logon at
around 2:30 AM then no events until I touch it then all the usual startup
events. Any Help?

Will Denny


If you don't see any error messages, right click on My Computer, select
Properties and then the Advanced tab. Click on Settings under Startup and
Recovery and disable 'Automatically restart'. Next time your PC reboots,
you should see a Blue Screen. Could you please post the Stop Code that
accompanies that BSOD back here? With that your problem could be isolated.


Will Denny
MS-MVP Shell/User
Please reply to the Newsgroup

Please reply to the Newgroups


I disabled Automatic Restart will post stop error when it happens again,
should be tomorrow morning. Thanks


Me again! I disabled Automatic Restart, this morning PC restarted as soon
as I touched mouse. No blue screen though, it acts like it is just turning on
instead of restarting, it goes to the postscreen instantly! Like I said
before its already on though, only messages in computer management are
windows defender scan has started (at 2:11Am), then windows scan has finished
(at 2:33 am), next message is at 7:16 Am "Microsoft (R) Windows 5.01.2600
Service Pack 2 Uniprocessor Free". Almost same times whenever it happens
which seeme to be two days in a row then skip a day! I also don't have any
dump files on these days to debug. Starting to think maybe a hardware problem
or power supply?
Thanks Ray


Me again! I disabled Automatic Restart, this morning PC restarted as soon
as I touched mouse. No blue screen though, it acts like it is just turning on
instead of restarting, it goes to the postscreen instantly! Like I said
before its already on though, only messages in computer management are
windows defender scan has started (at 2:11Am), then windows scan has finished
(at 2:33 am), next message is at 7:16 Am "Microsoft (R) Windows 5.01.2600
Service Pack 2 Uniprocessor Free".

I don't understand why you believe this is a failure? If that
function is enabled in the BIOS, then you computer is supposed to
start on mouse or keyboard interrupt. Other functions that might be
enabled are network card or modem.

If you want it to stop, then enter BIOS to turn off that hardware
function. Windows has nothing to do with this hardware function.

Meanwhile, you don't really want those Blue Screen stops. Any
message that would be in a blue screen is, instead, stored in the
event (system) logs. See current errors and see other erorrs you did
not even know happened because the multitasking OS works around those
problems and keeps working.

If you don't know about the system (event) logs, then use Windows
Help to find them.
Otherwise you must write down all those so important numbers and error
messages in the blue screen of death.

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