Path and %SystemRoot% resolving



For a few days now I've been having a weird problem with my laptop running windows XP.
From a command prompt I can not issue commands lilke "ping" and "ipconfig". It complains that command not found although the files are present in C:\windows\system32.
I've looked at my path and the weird thing that I can see is that for whatever reason it doesn't seem to be resolving %SystemRoot%.


although the variable appears to ber resolving properly...
C:\WINDOWS\system32>echo %SystemRoot%

Any Ideas?


Had the same problem today. Check if in the registry key
the value for "Path" is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ. Some apps change it to REG_SZ
caused that error on my machine. I reimported the value from a backup file.

Paulo said:
For a few days now I've been having a weird problem with my laptop running windows XP.
From a command prompt I can not issue commands lilke "ping" and
"ipconfig". It complains that command not found although the files are
present in C:\windows\system32.
I've looked at my path and the weird thing that I can see is that for
whatever reason it doesn't seem to be resolving %SystemRoot%.


Tony, I have the same problem, but I don't know to edit this in the registry, can you suggest anything I can do
----- tony wrote: ----

Had the same problem today. Check if in the registry ke
the value for "Path" is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ. Some apps change it to REG_S
caused that error on my machine. I reimported the value from a backup file

Paulo said:
For a few days now I've been having a weird problem with my laptop runnin windows XP
From a command prompt I can not issue commands lilke "ping" an
"ipconfig". It complains that command not found although the files ar
present in C:\windows\system32
I've looked at my path and the weird thing that I can see is that fo
whatever reason it doesn't seem to be resolving %SystemRoot%


first create a text file consisting of the following 4 lines:



Call the file temp.reg and double click the file to import that value into
the registry.
The imported value is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ. Open Regedit and copy the
content of the
original "Path" value to the new value "Pathnew". Rename "Path" to "Pathold"
(or delete it)
and rename "Pathnew" to "Path". Done.

Rick said:
Tony, I have the same problem, but I don't know to edit this in the
registry, can you suggest anything I can do?

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