Pages opening outside of my site.



I have just published my website. I have 7 navigation buttons that link to
my other pages. They all work well except when you link into the "Outdoors"
link. Once on the "Outdoor" page when you clik on any of the navigation
buttons a new window opens up. This does not happen on any other page. I
have checked the code and can't find anyting different on the "Outdoor" page
than on any other page. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? is the problem site.

Thank you very much

David Berry

Switch to Code View and remove <base target="_blank"> (it's above the
</head> tag)

Also, when you see links that say file:/// this means that it's pointing to
a link on your hard drive and not on your web so you may see them but other
people aren't. For example:

<body background="images/Black%20and%20White%20Missoula%206.jpg"
rotateImage('rImage')" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">

All those GIFs are referencing your HD. You need to import images / files
into your web first and then link to them. Change that tag to read:

<body background="images/Black%20and%20White%20Missoula%206.jpg"
onload="FP_preloadImgs(/*url*/buttonC.jpg', /*url*/buttonD.jpg',
/*url*/'button5.gif', /*url*/button6.gif', /*url*/button7.gif',
/*url*/button8.gif'); rotateImage('rImage')" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">

You also have other issues on the page (such as 2 BODY tags) that you need
to look into. Try looking at the site on a different PC.

E. T. Culling

Oh dear! Blinking and fast scrolling text are not recommended and haven't
been seen on most sites for many years. Sorry, I just can't watch any more!
Why do you have games on your site which is about a city??

David Berry

What's that got to do with answering his question? I don't recall anyone
asking for a site critique, which seems to be the thing here lately. I
don't particularly care for the colors on your site but you don't see me
mentioning that they bother my eyes when you didn't ask for an opinion do
you? Not everyone is a professional developer or graphic artist. They
learn as they go.

E. T. Culling

You're absolutely right... I just couldn't help myself! I couldn't stay on
the site long enough to work out the problems.

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