Page numbers 1 of 14 not 1 of 1



Hi All,

I've add the page footer pages # of # however on each page its coming up
with 1 of 1.

There are about 14 worksheets in the workbook so why isn't it showing 1 of
14 on the last sheet?


Group your Worksheets before printing.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

Hi All,

I've add the page footer pages # of # however on each page its coming up
with 1 of 1.

There are about 14 worksheets in the workbook so why isn't it showing 1 of
14 on the last sheet?


Some of the worksheets print over 3 pages, so grouping and then adding the
the footer removes the page breaks on those pages.


Are you saying that you want the 3 *Print Pages* of Sheet 1 to display,
"Page 1 of 14"?
AND ... have Sheet 2 display "Page 2 of 14"?

If you manually set the page breaks, and then Group and print the WB, the
page breaks remain in force, and pick up their own page number.

So, if Sheet 1 had 3 *print pages*, and all the other 13 sheets had 1 each,
you'd end up with 16 page numbers.

What *exactly* are you looking to accomplish?


I'm trying to achieve your first point here. However when I group and apply
the footer "Pages 1 of ?" it removes my page breaks on the sheet which 3


I'm wondering if the OPs format in the footer is correct. It should display
in the Custom Footer setup window as "&[Page] of &[Pages]". It looks like it
may be # of # which, for page 1 would show 1 of 1 (page 2 would show 2 of 2,

Worth a look see, anyway.



I am now at an XL97 machine, and I have no problem with creating and
*maintaining* page breaks on Sheet 1, while grouping and setting up page
numbering footers for *all* the rest of the sheets.

I don't understand what you are doing that "loses" your page breaks.

However, all printed pages will be numbered *sequentially* if printing is
initiated while the sheets are grouped.

You can experiment with printing the sheets individually, where you control
the numbering of the first page for each sheet in:
<File> <PageSetup> <Page> tab,
And change the default "Automatic" setting, in the "FirstPageNumbering" box
to different numbers.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

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