Outlook2003 Rules - How can I make the mails I send be automatically marked as read?

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Outlook2003 / WinXP


In Outlook2003 rules, how can I make the email I've just sent
be flagged up as "read"?

The problem is that if I start a blank new rule and go for the
"check messages AFTER sending" option,
there doesnt appear to be an option to "mark it as read" !

What I'm trying to do is to get *all* my emails (including
my outgoing emails) that relevant to a particular subject
to be housed in a particular folder. But I dont to see my
own emails being flagged up as "unread" if I've sent them.
Because I HAVE read them - I read them when I WROTE them!

- Any thoughts?


Shiperton Henethe
are you using the option in tools, options, email, advanced, in folders
other than the inbox... to store replies with the original? if so, and if
you move the original before replying, it will work as you want.
YES - I am using that option.
Should I be?

What do you mean I have to "MOVE the original before replying"?

I am you really saying that I need to drag every email to some mystery
before I reply? (that would be a MIGHTY pain)

What I'm trying to do is to get *all* my emails (including
When (and how) are you moving the original?
Diane said:
When (and how) are you moving the original?

Oh I think I understand your question now...
The original gets moved when it first arrives using
on of several rules. The default is my normal inbox.
But depending on various conditions such as who
it's too and who it's from it gets moved to a suitable

I then open the email in that folder - to read it - and
hit reply...

But is it actually *relevant* how the original ends up in the folder
where it does - confused...

Shiperton Heneth
I recommend one of two things over using rules in this situation - reply to
the one in the folder where you want the sent message put or select the
folder for the sent message from the options tab before sending. You can use
VBA to pop up a save to folder dialog if you do this for each and every
Diane said:
I recommend one of two things over using rules in this situation - reply to
the one in the folder where you want the sent message put

But if I do that, surely it will appear as "Unread" albeit in the same
And this clutters up the folder making it harder to see the *genuinely*
or select the folder for the sent message from the options tab before sending.
How many clicks is that for each reply?
And in any case I cant see where I'd do that. Would I have to do that
BEFORE I even hit the reply button?

You can use VBA to pop up a save to folder dialog if you do this for each and every
This still sounds like a heck of a lot of clicks per reply.

I'll tell you what.
Is there any external/3rd party set of tools that just lets you freely
write your own
Outlook2003 rules?
Doing it within Outlook just seems INCREDBLY restrictive and cumbersome
- particularly if you handle a large number of emails (like me) and
thus need a large
number of rules to handle them.

Shiperton Henethe