


I work shifts. Different shifts on different days. I
can be allocated one of upto 6 different shifts (Shift X,
B, M, E, G, H) per day. I want to enter my shifts into
my Outllok calendar quickly. Is there anyway i can just
enter X or B or M etc etc for any given day and outlook
will schedule my shift (the beginning to the end) into
the calandar if i programme what time each shifts starts
and ends beforehand? Hence never having to enter the
times of the shifts more than once.


Have a look at WS:Repeat Appointment for Outlook. This will allow you to
enter your shifts and then copy to new dates by selecting from the calendar
as required. Once the first set of dates are entered, you can later enter a
shift appointment and add new dates.


Judy Gleeson

Make one shift. Right mouse drag the shift to the day you want to put in on
(can select multiple days using the date navigator and your Ctrl button)
when you release the mouse, select COPY.


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