Outlook prompts start-up wizard everytime it's opened



I have Microsoft Outlook 2000 installed on Windows Vista. Everytime I open
Outlook, the "Outlook 2000 Startup" wizard comes up. I have to go through
all of the questions & prompts before Outlook will finally open. Once it's
opened, another pop-up comes on that says "Outlook is not currently your
default manager for mail. Would you like to register Outlook as the default
manager?" Why do these (2) things happen everytime I open Outlook?

M Ridzon

Jocelyn Fiorello

Someone else may have a better answer for you, but this one might be enough:
Outlook 2000 is not supported on Windows Vista. Only Outlook 2003 and
Outlook 2007 are. So there may be a lot of things in Outlook 2000 that don't
work right on Vista, and there is probably nothing you can do about it.

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